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moon visor

  1. M

    Moon Visor Repaint; Install + Dark Lapis Color Match Advice

    Color matched?! I'd say yeah. Under a perfect flash light, the aerosol base coat is mildly more purple. Under all other lighting, shes minty bud. so, recently repainted and installed my new to me Moon Visor. All went well! For those of us doing DIY customizations or repairs to our Dark Lapis...
  2. M

    ::SOLVED:: Equivalent for 2nd Gen "Dark Lapis Metallic" Aerosol Base Coat Touchup Paint?

    So, I got lucky and a while ago I found a "dark blue metallic" aerosol at my Autozone from the Duplicolor line of products and it totally worked for rock chips and other blemishes on the body paintwork.. a few years ago.. However, now it seems as though they do not stock this anywhere anymore...