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I fix dents
Moderator Emeritus
April 16, 2002
Reaction score
City, State
Millersville , Maryland
Year, Model & Trim Level
2000 Explorer Sport
I did some searching and learned a lot.
Basically cold mornings ( 35 or below ) the Ex runs like poopie till it warms up then it purrs like a kitten.
Do a little search, 00M12, yeah sounds like it to me.

Now, going through paperwork it seems I have had the 00M12
done already.
Is this some thing that should be reoccourning ?

Can you service the came program twice ?

Now, I never took it in on the 00M12, but I did on the 01M01
and I know they are souppose to do both at the same time right ?

So a little research, here and a few phone calls there.
Looks like it will be going in this week.
Should I remove my MAC intake ? Apten Chip ?
I do not have any extended warrenty and I have a mere 55k on the clock.

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I think you're covered until 7xk. I would take as many mods off as you can. So basically the intake, just so they can't blame that. I don't think they can tell the chip is there. But you have the MAS, so removing the intake and MAS, the truck won't know what to do (can you tell I'm thinking about this while typing?) so therefore you'd need to remove the chip. Geeze! So with that in mind, good luck, :p

Al, the 00M12 is for intake manifold gaskets so I don't think the chip will be an issue.
Or so I hope.

Todd, I really should quit being a baby I can swap the intake in less than ten mineuts.


take it back to stock and give it a try. If that doesn't work and they say they wont do it DIY! I would just try to torque down the bolts first (after stealership trip)

bad news / good news.

Ford reused to do a second 00M12
Or at least the dealership.

I took out my Apten and MAC intake.
Well this morning it fired right up no issue !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So, that tells me my MAC has the funk, or maybe the Apten doesn't like a cold weather start.
Time for further investagation....

Not sure if this is related or not, but I get a loud sucking noise with mine when its cold. I just assume thats the IAC working and that its normal. So I leave it alone. Get some wierd looks at school when I fire her up ;)

The sucking sound is all the gas going down the hole :)
