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01 Sport Upgrades

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Originally posted by dubbed01x
who ever said there are Altezza Tails for a 01 sport is wrong, I'm on the waiting list from the company to get them when they come out. "2001ExpSport" you never had the link for them, you read they fit 98-01 and assumed that meant 01 sports but it's up to 00 sports and 01 4 doors.

Ya I know, I am still searching for it. I had the link for so long I deleted it and wouldn't you know as soon as I did that, I needed it. There are two types. The ones for 98-01 Explorers and then there is one for the '01 sport only. I have seen a picture of it, it is not like the 4dr tail.

Lots of Mods?

2001ExpSport is right. There are a lot of crucial upgrades for our '01 X Sports even though some of them are listed without mentioning the Xsport. When I got mine in June of 2000, I mean there was nuthin' out there.

I developed ram-air from the grill that you can turn off when it rains (from inside the truck), built a cold box for $20 to house my KKM True-Rev and put on a Flowmaster. Just these three mods did wonders for performance. I also have a Superchip (ECU codeTTY3) that I might be willing to sell as I haven't had it in for over a year, the XS runs very well w/o it and I hate paying the arabs anymore than I have to.

It's all back there in old posts, including the pictures, just go to the bottom of this post and hit search.

One other thing. If anyone's interested, I used polypro/nylon black screening to line my grill with. It keeps out the bugs and debris and looks good on top of the honeycomb. Here's a pic of the mesh screen over the honeycomb grill. The ram-air scoop (actually a Rigid brand shop vac affair) is located upper left.


  • dsc00275a.jpg
    50.6 KB · Views: 437

shoot a pic of that dam

Dam Pics!

Here's another shot of the screen over the grill, tho you can't see it that good. Does a good job of keeping the bugs out.


  • dsc00278a.jpg
    50.9 KB · Views: 448

thanks a lot man, looks pretty good.... has anyone ever just passed by and asked about it?

Are you kidding? Most people that ask are asking what kind of truck it is!! I guess there just aren't that many of us around, which I consider to be a plus.:hammer:

Re: Dam Pics!

Originally posted by bluescat
Here's another shot of the screen over the grill, tho you can't see it that good. Does a good job of keeping the bugs out.

Instead of them going through the front grill and hitting the radiator, they hit that screen. Have fun cleaning THAT off.

What else have you done to your Sport?

You know, I forgot to mention the greatest thing about the screen mesh; nothing sticks to it. You can read my sig for upgrades.

Yeah but i dislike it when i tell people that i have a sport.. and they are like "Trac?" We should get alittle more recognition..... oh yeah if you guys know any products which arent listed to work for our sports... but do.... let me know i got $1100 in the bank and im looking to spend like a mother.. (most of it is prob gonna go to system though).

Are you kidding? Most people that ask are asking what kind of truck it is!! I guess there just aren't that many of us around, which I consider to be a plus.

do you guys know where i can get a cheap stock tail light for a 2001 sport

do you guys know where i can get a cheap stock tail light for a 2001 sport pm me with an answer please

wow good job on bring back a 3yr old thread.
