'01 ST in Northern Illinois - howdy! | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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'01 ST in Northern Illinois - howdy!

Hi all,
Been a Sport Trac owner since 4/01. Mine's a white 4x4, 4.10 rear, limited slip, auto. I've added a few appearance things like a Westin Safari Bar, made a diamond plate skid plate that is attached to the bar, and mounted Bosch lights to the bar. It has 275/70/16 tires (replaced 'stones with them), and just lately I lowered it 2" - gonna have to replace the tires since they rub sometimes.. darnit.. For the kids, I installed an overhead LCD to use with a PS2. Mmm, lastly I made an adapter for the MAS so I could run a 7" K&N cone filter.

It's my toy, my daily driver, my ongoing project.

And yes.. it's mine! Sometimes I let my husband drive it. :)


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SWEET.... got pictures? Welcome to the site... Another Explorer Babe!!!

where is Machesney Park, IL ? I'm from the elgin area and have never heard of it. glad you are on the board

N of Rockford

Hi there,
Machesney Park is just North of Rockford. We are only about 45 mins from Elgin! :)


Here's a pic

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Lookin good! I'm wheaton, another western burb..... Oh, Brian... NoIEC... Hahaha! If it ever lives again, I'd be amazed, although I've still got the sticker on...
