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'02 A/C Vent Temperature 52F. OK?


New Member
June 20, 2006
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City, State
La Habra, CA
Year, Model & Trim Level
'02 XLT
Vehicle: 02' Explorer XLT - 6 Cylinder.
Issue or Symptom: Anyone know what the A/C vent temperature should be under the following conditions:
-Max A/C and blower setting ON
-Engine warm 5 mins.
-Idle speed
-Shaded area. Outside temp of about 87-F
I took the temperature with the long probe and registered ~52F but it does not seem cool enough for such a large vehicle. Does 52F seem right to you all?

Thanks in advance for any input. :thumbsup:


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I have been told that an A/C unit would work better at a lower fan speed setting, in this cae, 3 instead of 4 on the dial. I usually don't run on MAX. I have seen my temperture go up and down from 44-70. My understanding is MAX draws air from the inside and recirculates the air inside. Regular setting draws air in some from outside, bringing in fresh air. The temperture outside will have something to do with it, especially if you open the doors or have windows cracked to smoke a cigerette. I have asked this question myself, but got no answer. 54 may not seem cold enough, but seeing as it is 35 degrees cooler than outside, you should feel it. I have a meat probe in my vents, constantly telling me how cold it is blowing. ;)

I hate to hear you have a problem, but glad someones got it other than me. Mine does not work well at cooling the car very quickly at all, either on max or drawing it from outside. It blows colder on the passenger side vents than the drivers side. It does seem to help if you use 3 on the fan instead of 4. Those things must have a small heat exchanger in them if they won't take the air coming across them.
When it's above 82 deg. F outside, I just have to wait on it. :cool:
Ford was saving some more money. :mad:


A/C working normally.

Thanks for the input guys.
My initial concern was that it may need recharging. I am debating whether or not I should pay the A/C Check-up and maybe 1lb of Freon.

Thanks again.


deonn said:
Thanks for the input guys.
My initial concern was that it may need recharging. I am debating whether or not I should pay the A/C Check-up and maybe 1lb of Freon.

Thanks again.


If your vent temps are more then 20*f cooler than the outside temperature then its still technically "good" with R-134a refrigerant. At 80* F and the AC running your low side pressure should be around 30psi when the pump is engauged (you can check it with a cheap 10oz refill gauge kit from a parts store)


I have since evacuated my system, and refilled. Took about 34 oz. of 134A. With temps outside at 93 deg. F, my vent air (on max) was 40 deg. F. CLutch did not cycle.
On regular air (not max) my vent temps were in the 43 deg. F range. Man, what a difference. :D


According to the owner's manual. Running the a/c on Max is more economical and gives you colder air. When on Max, the already cooled air inside the vehicle ie recirculated and cooled again. On other settings, the hot air from outside the car is drawn inside and cooled which is not nearly as efficient.

Windows up and a/c on max...is there any reason that the temperture blowing out should rise and drip between 45-65 degrees, back and forth? Coming to a stop and driving down the freeway? Or should the temperture be a steady setting? Does this mean its a clutch or compressor problem? My freon measures as full. It does blow out cold air but sometimes the temp rises and is not hot but just not very cold and then it returns to blowing cold....any ideas?

I don't know the answer to the fluctuating temps, but need to remind everyone regarding overcharging. You can really mess up a bunch of components by putting too much of a good thing into your system. Guages and proper reading of them are/is essential.


Mine did the same thing. In my case, I believe I was low on freon. Mine blew colder air out of the passenger side center duct than the drivers side. And that came and went. After evacuating, and putting in the right amount (34 oz.'s), you can't turn it on high when it is 90 outside. Air is CCCOOOLLLDDD :D


i stuck mine on a guage and it reads where it should...not over-filled or low. i ran it on max and #3 setting and it got down to 40 degrees. i notice it seems to do this when i have it on regular a/c and on #4 setting. boy, is there a big difference between 3-4. It seems there isn't much difference between 2-3. why didnt they make it so it blew harder on 3 like something between 2-4? i think maybe i am expecting too much. it gets close to 100 with 80% humidity here...so the heat index is around 105 degrees. i guess i should be happy even when its blowing 70......lol

My A/C works great in my truck, but its controlled by the 4 switches on the drivers door. I like in Anchorage, and the hottest its been up here this year is 80 and it was a very cool 80.

My air willl fluctuate temp at idle. Revving the engine will make it cooler. I think it has to do with the airflow through the condensor. Of course, it only happens when it gets over 110 here.

Seem like a range between 40-50F is reasonable. Mine may need to be recharged. Thanks for all of the valuable input.


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