02 EB Explorer problem. Need help | Page 2 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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02 EB Explorer problem. Need help

I got these codes....this one twice or dif codes that mean the same as these P0102 and P0113 and this one once C1230
Both of the P codes relate to the MAF. P0102 is for MAF low input. P0113 is for MAF High Input. Your MAF didn't like being cleaned, or the plug is not in all the way. C1230 is for a Rear speed input sensor. That is an ABS code.
Ditto 05XLimited. The p0102 and p0113 isolates your issue(s) to the MAF sensor.

As mentioned, the C1230 should not be related to your starting, idling, or stalling.

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Ditto 05XLimited. The p0102 and p0113 isolates your issue(s) to the MAF sensor.

As mentioned, the C1230 should not be related to your starting, idling, or stalling.

The truck has been running bad and shutting off before the cel light came on and before I started messing with it and before I didn't plug the mass air meter in all the way. That's what made the cel light trigger, but the truck has been idling low, shutting off while turning around, at stop lights, and so on. I had other codes but the guy said they were to do with the same thing. I plugged the meter back in. The truck just shut off on us while turning around this morning.

I would take a look again at the vacuum hoses, especially the 90˚ elbows. They love to rot out and cause all sorts of havoc. Most of the time they throw a CEL for "low idle" and a few others, it may be possible that yours hasn't thrown a code yet.

I would take a look again at the vacuum hoses, especially the 90˚ elbows. They love to rot out and cause all sorts of havoc. Most of the time they throw a CEL for "low idle" and a few others, it may be possible that yours hasn't thrown a code yet.

I felt around them and sprayed carb cleaner to see and got nothing. Ive noticed that my valves are pinging while giving gas going down the road. It use to not do that. I don't like.

I would take a look again at the vacuum hoses, especially the 90˚ elbows. They love to rot out and cause all sorts of havoc. Most of the time they throw a CEL for "low idle" and a few others, it may be possible that yours hasn't thrown a code yet.

That elbow you talking about is located on driver side on the back of valve cover up to the back of upper intake? That's hard to see and get to, but I felt around it and felt like is was in good shape. Might have to try and take it off and check it out. Thanks

That elbow you talking about is located on driver side on the back of valve cover up to the back of upper intake? That's hard to see and get to, but I felt around it and felt like is was in good shape. Might have to try and take it off and check it out. Thanks

From the 2 that I have fixed, that is where the problem seems to be.

The one I did, as it had a slice missing that was not visible from anywhere without removing it. It was right on the elbow, and you couldn't see it or even feel it until you took it apart.

The one I did, as it had a slice missing that was not visible from anywhere without removing it. It was right on the elbow, and you couldn't see it or even feel it until you took it apart.

Ok, I might take a look at it this weekend sometime. Thanks

I know this thread is old but were you able to fix your stalling problem? Cannyou please update the thread so others can learn from it? I have a similar issues and still troubleshooting.

