04 Mountaineer rear bumper an 03 Explorer? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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04 Mountaineer rear bumper an 03 Explorer?


December 21, 2012
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Year, Model & Trim Level
2003 XLT 4.0
Does anyone know if this will work? Someone rear ended me awhile back. i now have an opportunity to pickup a mountaineer rear bumper for low money, colors match.

Thanks for any help.

Not a direct fit, I had one of each(still have the Mounty) I dont know that it wouldnt bolt up, but it wont line up for sure on the sides. Plus, the Mounty uses a sidemarker light in the bumper where the Expy doesnt. Not a big issue, but different. Pretty sure the inner foam and hitch/bumper supports interchange(up to a certain year, after I *think* 06 They welded the hitch/bumper support to the frame) You would however be left with floppy bumper ends unless you rigged a way to attach them, Which Im guessing is not what your going for.

Sorry about the picture size, Photobucket is loading retardedly slow so I could't resize the pic.


Also, try car-part.com, will show exactly what will fit, usually with info on each item showing color, mileage, etc and you can search by distance from you. 99% of the results are salvage yards.
