05 explorer rotor rubbing backing plate | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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05 explorer rotor rubbing backing plate


March 10, 2011
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So i did all the pads and rotors, now the lip of the drum is hitting the groove of the backing plate under the pb/eb shoes. Sounds like from more than one wheel. Ive taking it apart n trying pushing it back some, it is getting a littld better but still sounds horrible. Not much going straight anymore, more so on turns, even slight turns of the steering wheel. This is driving me crazy. Never had a problem this bad w a brake job. 2 weeks now its been grinding, taking it apart 7 times n still scraping. How can i get this to stop? Im tempted to take my grinder to the lip of the drum n shorten it some or cut the backing plate where is its rubbing.

I finally got the effing thing to stop scraping!!!! Its about damn tine. Ive done over 100 brake jobs and this was the longest most annoying one of my life!!! And ive had some pretty stubborn rotors that wouldn't come off and shattered trying to pull it off w a 3 jaw puller, parking brake hardware nightmares, you name it...but this was the biggest PITA out of them all.

I switched off between a 1/4 nutdriver/bit extention and an old bolt and banging it w a hammer on the shinny spot that was rubbing. I did it yesterday too but only made it a tiny bit better, after doing it again today, shes quiet as a mouse. I was so close to either cutting that spot on the backing plate or grinding down the whole lip of the rotor/drum. Thank god thats over with lol
