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05 explorer wont start, any ideas


New Member
January 26, 2010
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City, State
rochester, ny
Year, Model & Trim Level
2005 explorer
I am new to the forum and to fords.

I have a mystery with this Explorer. It ran fine until one day i parked it, went to start the following day ant it wouldnt start.

Turns over good and fast but just wont start, will crank until batt dies.

Here is what I have done to diagnose the issue;
Using a scanner, i found that there was a code for EGR stored (check engine light is not on)

Replaced EGR, still wont start.

Checked fuel pump, great pressure. Seems like fuel is OK. Also put about 5 gal of fresh gas and fuel stabilizer to ensure there isnt any moisture.

Checked spark, and replaced the coil pack. Spark is good

Also recharged the battery, died due to trying to start it.

I have looked over electrical connections and vacum lines, everything seems ok.

Any Ideas? I am puzzled at this point

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Initially I would think its either spark or fuel issue.

Do you smell raw gas at the tailpipe after cranking it? If so maybe its a spark issue, if not then maybe a fuel issue.

Timing used to be an issue on old cars, but not on these new engines.

Maybe a vacuum leak, or Crank position sensor problem.

since you have good fuel pressure, I would check the fuel injector circuit. Some place common like a fuse or relay. I wouldn't think all injectors would go bad at once, and it should start even if only1 failed.

Just giving you some ideas to kick around.

This sounds like the problem with my wife's 2003 explorer.

She told me over the last few months, it occasionally wouldn't start
(I don't remember her telling me that, so I didn't do anything about it ;))

yesterday we couldn't get it to start after multiple attempts.

It cranks fine, just won't fire up.

I have recently purchased an 02 Explorer that ran great for the first week or so that I had it. One day it wouldnt start at the store, would crank over and act as though it was going to start, but no go. I checked the fuel rail for pressure and I had pressure, but still no start. I then noticed a non oem wire going to the coil and after tracing it I found an aftermarket remote start system under the dash. I figured it was the problem and I had it towed home. Once home I charged up the battery and it fired up. Scratching my head??? I then proceeded to remove the remote start system figuring that it was somehow screwing with the anti theft system. With that done I was on the road again. Two days later I had the same no start condition but after turning the key on and off a few times it fired up. Once again, back to scratching my head and searching the forums. I decided to change my fuel filter today with doubt that it was the problem. Afterwards I started it a few times and then checked the fuel rail again - What I thought was pressure before wasn't near the pressure I have now. I cut the filter open and it was nasty! I hope this fixes my intermitent starting and gives you a little insight. Here is also a good link to this type of problem:http: //www.explorerforum.com/forums/showthread.php?t=256060

Is the security light flashing? That would be an indication of a PATSII problem. . .if the battey is near death, the systems can forget the key.

KTM welcome, Mt Pleasant i've got family living there. . . Chip?

I had a similar issue once...

I had a 97 Exp with the 4.0 OHV. (may she rest in peace) Had the occasional crank but not start problem and then once would start at all. My issue then was the crank position sensor went out. Put a new one on and it started right up. Don't know about your particular set up, but it could be another thing to check. Had to chnage it in the parking lot where my wife worked, good times!

Is the security light flashing? That would be an indication of a PATSII problem. . .if the battey is near death, the systems can forget the key.

KTM welcome, Mt Pleasant i've got family living there. . . Chip?

You know Chip? I am his brother, Shane
