07 4x4 Control Trac question | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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07 4x4 Control Trac question


New Member
December 5, 2006
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I have an '07 Explorer with Control Trac 4wd system and an auto trans.
What does the 4x4 Auto button do? Really. While the 4x4 High and 4x4 Low button either light up a dash indicator, or light up themselves, pushing the 4x4 Auto button appears to do nothing (indicator-wise).
I've not had the need to use 4x4 yet, but would like to know if the system is always in 4x4, and if this is the case, why do I have a 4x4 Auto button.

Thanks for offering help in this matter.


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On my old 98 the auto meant that if the rear wheels started to lose traction it would transfer power to the front wheels. The high meant that all 4 wheels had power and the low was all 4 wheels in low gears not meant to go fast all, I assume its the same on my 06 and your 07, although I have been to lazy to read the manual.

i know that the TCS kicks in before the system has switched to 4x4 for me, if i know i want 4x4, i hit the high while in motion....

What's it for? Put your Ex in 4 wheel drive for a few minutes. OK, now take it out of 4 wheel drive.

I have an '07 Explorer with Control Trac 4wd system and an auto trans.
What does the 4x4 Auto button do? Really. While the 4x4 High and 4x4 Low button either light up a dash indicator, or light up themselves, pushing the 4x4 Auto button appears to do nothing (indicator-wise).
I've not had the need to use 4x4 yet, but would like to know if the system is always in 4x4, and if this is the case, why do I have a 4x4 Auto button.

Thanks for offering help in this matter.


  • If you want to put the system into 4x4 high, you turn it to that.
  • If you want to put the system into 4x4 low, you put the car in N and turn it to low
  • If you put it in 4x4 Auto, you are not in any 4x4 mode. The explorer is monitoring your traction, braking etc and if it senses you need more traction (say you spin the rear tires), it will engage the 4wd into 4x4 high. Once that traction is no longer needed, it will then disengage it.

you usually keep it in 4x4 auto. It's especially handy if someone who doesn't really understand 4wd is driving and just wants the car to "go"

aka: wife ;)

My understanding is that the truck is always in 4x4 Auto unless you select one of the other two options. The button just returns it to that default if you had changed to 4x4 high or low.
