07 cab corner rust bubbles | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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07 cab corner rust bubbles


September 22, 2017
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2007 explorer sport trac
Hey everyone,

After washing all the salt off my truck and putting on some spray wax. I noticed some bubbles on the bottom cab corners. Have any of you had this issue, if so how did you guys go about fixing it so I don't get a rust hole andy time soon. I fixed the high mount stop lamp and its dry. I push on the bubbles and it feels solid the only crunching I hear is the loose paint

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Well, its rusting from the inside out. When you replaced your CHMSL, was the old gasket flattened out and useless? I ask because I've read here and elsewhere the rear window itself can be the source of the leak as well as the roof rails and the cab corners.

I just took a better look and it seems as if a rock hit it. Yes the gasket was bad it was flat as a pan cake, I removed the head liner and water tested it after I replaced it and its dry as a bone. I had a buddy with a power washer spray the window and the roof and no water at all came inside. as for the bubbles if you shine a light on it there is like a small chip :( hopefully I can sand it down and re shoot it.

Just took a second look and IDK if its a rock chip or not, How do I go by removing the rear trim so I can take a look at the floor.

Just took a look by removing the sub cover thing, and ya Dray as a bone and no rust it was all smooth gray primed metal it must be from a rock or something then. The only thing I saw was a leaf. Ill take a dremel and grind everything down and re shoot it in a couple of weeks when the weather is warmer! in the meantime. Looks like I should start waxing it and washing it as much as i can so it won't spread
