For Sale - 1.25" Hubcentric 5x4.5 Wheel Spacers | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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For Sale 1.25" Hubcentric 5x4.5 Wheel Spacers

I have a pair of 1.25" hubcentric solid billet aluminum wheel spacers for sale. I had them on my rear axle (Ford 8.8) for 8 months. They are clean and have not seen a lot of use. The only reson I am getting rid of them is because I did an SAS and needed to adapt my rear axle to 6 lug to match the front. I'm asking $45+shipping.

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Ill look it up and get back to you.

Sorry about that. Works been really busy lately. Anyway, it looks like it'll be about $20 shipping UPS. It might be cheaper to ship USPS but I haven't packaged them up yet.

PM me if you still got these please.
