16x8.0 With 285/75R16 VS. 17x8.5 With 33X12.50R17LT | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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16x8.0 With 285/75R16 VS. 17x8.5 With 33X12.50R17LT


Well-Known Member
May 15, 2010
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02 XLT
What's up explorerforum? I have no idea how to do a poll but I am looking to do a new wheel and tire set up on my explorer. I am stuck between these two different set ups: 16x8.0 With 285/75R16 & 17x8.5 With 33X12.50R17LT. Both wheels have a 0mm offset, the 16x8" have 4.50" back space and the 17x8.5" have a 4.75" back space. The wheels are both from the same manufacturer and so are the tires. What are your thoughts? I know the 33x12.50R17LT's are a tad taller and an inch or so wider but I really would like to upgrade to the 17" from my stock 16". Any thoughts? I am willing to trim/hack my fenders in order to get these to fit. I currently have Rancho Quick Lift Loaded Coilovers on all 4 corners with BTF Uniball UCA's and I have a set of 1.25" BTF coil spacers I am going to run up front. Just curious as to everyone's thoughts and opinions. Thanks.

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33x12.50r17s if you're willing to slice and dice the fenderwells

I say 33s on the 17" wheels as well. I went with 17s an I'm glad I did because I love the look. Besides, almost all wheels look better in the bigger sizes. Most stock photos are of 18" wheels just in case that helps you out any. Although I'm almost positive you'll need a little less backspacing for them to not be sunken in the wheel wells. Have any links or pics of the rims you're looking at just out of curiosity?

I am kinda trying to be discreet about my choice on wheel's and tires but I really appreciate your input. I want to post pics as soon as I get my wheels and tires under the 3rd gen photo's. I was definitely leaning towards the 17" wheels and the 33" tires. I just wasn't sure if I was making a bad decision.

Sounds good to me. You could look into hub centric spacers. I'd say 1.25" would be good to bump the tires out a little but also to keep the tires from hitting your frame and sway bar so much.

The thought of running the wheel spacers had crossed my mind...no worries about it rubbing on the sway bar since I ditched it! 1.5" hub centric spacers a lot more stress on my hubs than the 1.25"? Both are available.

It could hit other things too. As for added stress I'm not really sure. Ive heard that you still have to shave a little off the OEM studs still with the 1" ones do I was going with the next size up. Look around the modified 3rd gen forum for other guys. I think kazer and triton are a couple that have.

You definitely don't need wheel spacers. With a 0 offset, the rims will stick out just barely past the fenders. Check my registry for pics of my 285/70r17s on my MB wheels, they have a -6 offset and stick out past the fenders. Adding a 1.25" spacer would give you somewhere around -30 offset

Do I want the front tires to stick out more or less as far as clearing the tires? Will I be able to clear the tires better with a 1.5" Spacer as opposed to a 1.25" spacer?

I have looked at your registry a bunch of times Steve, man your expo has seen a lot of changes. Cool that it is always evolving. I talked to James and he suggested I do the 1.5" body lift like you have in addition to my suspension mods to help clear the tires but I am really avoiding having to do the body lift. Seeing you clear those huge tires gave me inspiration to try and do the same!

You definitely don't need wheel spacers. With a 0 offset, the rims will stick out just barely past the fenders. Check my registry for pics of my 285/70r17s on my MB wheels, they have a -6 offset and stick out past the fenders. Adding a 1.25" spacer would give you somewhere around -30 offset

Even with such high backspacing?

Sorry to have led you wrong then.

Do I want the front tires to stick out more or less as far as clearing the tires? Will I be able to clear the tires better with a 1.5" Spacer as opposed to a 1.25" spacer?

The more they stick out the more trimming you'll have to do at the bottom of the wheel wells to a degree because more of the tire is turning outside the wheel well if that makes sense. The further in they are they be closer to everything on the frame.

Gotcha...Thanks for your help and suggestions. Just looked through your registry...Nice job! Well done!
