1993 Ford Explorer help needed. My speedometer is not working. | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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1993 Ford Explorer help needed. My speedometer is not working.

Dj's Explorer

New Member
May 21, 2009
Reaction score
City, State
Northern California
Year, Model & Trim Level
93 Sport
Hi everyone,

I didnt know where to post this and Im really new around here. Need some help.

I picked up a 1993 Explorer, and the speedometer isnt working. Everything else works tho but the speedo. So Im thinking, that there is a cable that runs somewhere that isnt hooked right, or loose, or not connected.

Can anyone help? I searched on the forums but theres so much info, and not really anything specific.

Thanks ahead of time, for any help!


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dj where in sj u at and i am on aim if u wanna chat it up my sn is Pimpin01XplrSprt

Thanks guys!

I reside over in Southbay, San Jose.

I picked up the explorer from a guy who was selling it for 1,500.00. Not a bad price considering the condition of the truck.

Needed some help, and stuff, and I kinda got it rockin the way I want cleaning it up some.

I have a link on Craigslist if anyone wants to take a look.

O and if anyone wants to come to the nightclub I spin at on the weekends, PM me, I work outta 1015 Folsom in San Francisco and go by Dj Blurr.

BrooklynBay: I miss NY.

= )

Her's a quicky suggestion to determine if the cable is okay. Disconnect the cable at the trans or transfer. Hook up a cordless drill to the end and drive the speedo. Have someone watch the gauge for movement. If it doesn't move, reverse the drill and try again. If it still doesn't wok, then, yes, it could be the cable.

Hey dj's my parents and some of my friends and some of my family and my gf live in the south side of san jose too.

My parents are near oakridge mall and gunderson and my gf she is in the borderline of san jose and morgan hill.

DJ whats ur aim sn and how old r u. I was wondering when I come to the bay to visit in 2weeks maybe we can meet up sometime.

Well write back or PM me or IM me I am on aim my sn is Pimpin01XplrSprt

if the odomoter is not working either, it may be the cable. Odometer and speedo work off the same cable. If the odometer is working, may be a broken spring or stuck needle...unlikely but possible.

Check the cable on the transmission and check behind the IP--the cable clips on with a white connector behind the speedo.
