1994 Aerostar clockspring. | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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1994 Aerostar clockspring.


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May 20, 2010
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94 Aerostar
Hello, new member and just joined. Reviewing the forums I see that this is the best site for Aerostar information.

I have a 1994, and it runs really well with 115K miles. We call it grandma because it has out lasted the other cars.

Having a problem with the air bag light. Checked fuses, and they are ok. So must be clockspring. Looked over the Internet, with no real luck. Local dealer can get it, but at $132, plus he wants to install it. Seems easy enough to replace.

Question: Is their another clockspring that can be used that is easier to find?


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Oops, hit return button.

Thank you, did find clock spring at FastPartsNetwork, but not at Rock Auto.

Likely we order from FastParts, then get a loaner steering wheel puller, and do this myself.

Again, thank you.

Disconnect the battery, and wait a minimum of 10 minutes before you work on an air bag equipped steering column.

Good Morning BrooklynBay,
took my Aerostar to the dealer, for the rear AC unit is not working, and he also looked at the airbag light. Dealer just called and said the airbag module needs to be replaced at a cost of $450.......OUCH.

I looked on the Internet and found a site that sells used modules, but they need the specific number. I can ask the dealer to show me the module, but likely he won't.

Where is this located and what does it look like? How difficult to replace?

The people at: PartsOnNet.com are very helpful. Their price is about $100 plus shipping for the module.

I really like my Aerostar.

Thank you,

It's under the dashboard. WWW.FastPartsNetwork.Com & WWW.RockAuto.Com should have a new module for a lower price than the dealer. How did they determine that the module is bad? What was the code number?

The service manager told me the module is bad. He didn't cite any codes, nor specifics of how the module is bad. I am sure they have test equipment. I did ask him about the clock spring, and he said that was ok.

I have used this dealer for years, in fact I call my Aerostar a Ferrari and also ask for the Ferrari service manager.

They module seems easy enough to replace. I was told to remove the battery, wait 20 mins, then unplug and unbolt the old unit and replace with the new. Of course I must verify that the Ford numbers match.

I hope this fixes it.

Thank you for your help.

Do you have a picture or diagram of the Module? I can't find it in my 1996 Aerostar!

Not really. Its been a while. The module is shaped like a rectangle, about the size of a deck of cards. Its located just to the left of the steering wheel, mounted to the firewall, and you have to turn your self upside down to see it. I almost remember it being a blue color, but don't hold me to it.

Air bag diagnostic monitor.

This diagram was in my Ford software.


  • 1996 Aerostar air bag diagnostic monitor..JPG
    1996 Aerostar air bag diagnostic monitor..JPG
    112.5 KB · Views: 2,212

Thanks for the info! Your diagram is exactly what I needed to identify the diagnostic module. Is there any possibility of getting a schematic?

Great schematic

The schematics both seem to apply to my 1996 Aerostar. I had some additional though sketchy information that seems to be verified by these schematiics.

Thanks a bunch!!:aerostar:
