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1994 Aerostar. Power steering question.


September 23, 2013
City, State
Year, Model & Trim Level
1992 cummins diesel
I am a new Aerostar owner and enthusiast. I have a e4wd 1994 aero. It's quiet handles steep winding dirt well even in rain so far snow yet to come but I notice sometimes in sharp switchbacks or parking lots when the steering is nearing pinned the steering makes a whirring like rrrrrrrrrrrrr. Its the only odd sound I get ever in it, its super quiet the rest of the time. My other vehicle is a 04 subaru imprezza it doesn't make this sound I'm curious if its a steering issue or I should just never turn the steering wheel that far or if the front wheels don't engage the way they do on my imprezza to drag the car around slow sharp corners? because I find the rear will push the front a bit if its muddy and my front looses a bit of traction.

1) I am curious I have read about talk of people splicing into the e4wd system and installing a toggle for awd to 2wd to e4wd is it possible or just talk?

2)I normally don't turn corners with my steering pinned but occasionally doing a uturn or parking I crank enough to make a weird sound normal?

3) Bigger wheels I have a thought about bigger wheels Not crazy bigger but explorer or ranger bigger how does this affect drive train I have a 3500lb trailer I might want to move once or 2wice a year If I went up in tire size an inch or 2 would I loose torque and not be able to haul?

Keeping the same tire size but adding lift? my aerostar is car close to the ground soon it will snow and at times my subaru pushes snow the whole way home. happens a few times a year when the plough doesn't get to our road on a heavy snow day. A couple inches lift on the van could make a big diff snow wise is it possible and doable inexpensively?

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I can't speak to all of your issues, simply because I've never owned an E4WD Aerostar. I've had multiple 2WDs and have had steering problems in almost all of them. THAT DOES NOT MEAN yours is a problem so much as it is you getting used to a typical '80s/'90s Ford steering system that has a few hundred thousand KMs on it that groans and makes noises sometimes.

I'd really have to hear the noise myself but since that's impossible (unless you do a YouTube video), I'd speculate that it's normal and everything is fine unless of course you notice it getting worse. Check the fluid, check for leaks if it's low, etc. but I think you're fine.

Larger wheels are no friend to your steering system, but they do make the van sit a little more "planted" instead of "up on it's toes" like with the stock 14" 'ers. I have 16" Explorer alloys with low profile tires on them and wheel spacers and my speedometer is only off by 1 or 2 mph according to my on-board GPS. The odometer should be but does not seem to be affected when I use odometer check stations along side the road. If it is, it's not noticeable.

I love the way the van looks with the larger wheels and tires, and it does feel and handle better SOMEWHAT, but it still drives like a van. Nothing is going to change that, lol. Your Subaru is lower and weighs a lot less. It has a lower center of gravity than does the van. Plus, I'm sure it has larger than 14" tires and if they are 14"'s, they have lower profile tires on them for sure.

Towing: Your van is equipped with the powerful 4.0L Ford V-6 and a heavier-duty transmission. It is an excellent choice for towing. You may add a transmission cooler before any long summer towing trips but other than that, you're good to go.

Keep up with fluid changes (transmission including filter, NOT A FLUSH, and coolant and oil of course).

Add a little Lucas for power steering (but only a little). A large amount will foam & cause the cap to pop off. There are other products with a steering conditioner & stop leak additive on the market too.

Do not over fill the power steering system. The cap has a built in indicator. If it is low, find the leak and repair it.

also, when you check your power steering fluid loook at the color and make sure it isn't black or brown. then smell it and make sure it doesn't smell burnt. In either cases you might wanna replace your power steering fluid because that may be the problem. If you replace the fluid and a few weeks later your fluids back to black and burnt smelling you might need a new power steering pump, but I highly doubt your "problem" is that severe, or if it is even a problem.

also, when you check your power steering fluid loook at the color and make sure it isn't black or brown. then smell it and make sure it doesn't smell burnt. In either cases you might wanna replace your power steering fluid because that may be the problem. If you replace the fluid and a few weeks later your fluids back to black and burnt smelling you might need a new power steering pump, but I highly doubt your "problem" is that severe, or if it is even a problem.

Agree 100%.

Thanks everyone. I'm not sure its a issue (steering) Ill check the fluid as mentioned and go from there it's just a new to me vehicle so I'm learning the normal quirks and am cautious when I hear un familiar sounds. Though it seems like steering issues are common.

Ill hold off on tires unless I have real issues this winter. though lift or selectable awd/2wd might still interest me Ill wait to get to know it a bit as it sits .
