1994 Ranger A4LD Holding 1st too long | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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1994 Ranger A4LD Holding 1st too long


Active Member
July 28, 2005
Reaction score
City, State
Grande Prairie AB
Year, Model & Trim Level
01 Sport
My lil ranger holds first gear too long...I have to speed up, lift, wait for the shift then get back into it..Unsure if I'm missing second or just delaying first that long...It generally wont upshift out of 1 unless you coast for a bit.. At first I assumed it was the TV cable, but adjustment of that netted no changes...Broken servo piston? Separator plate gasket?
I've searched but can't find a definitive answer..

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It's probably the governor in the tail shaft. They get stuck, usually when the transmission is cold, and delay the 1-2 shift. If you put in 2 manually, does it go?

I'll try doing the manual upshifts on the way home from work in an hour. It's not temperature dependant at all....

Grr, guess i should have tried the manual shift first..now my Title is wrong...

Seems i have no second gear at all. Hope it's just a band adjustment or broken servo piston and not a broken band....

So 2nd works fine if you shift it manually? If so, my guess is the governor needs replacing, or maybe just a good cleaning and some polishing with 2000 grit sandpaper. If you have a 4x4, you can get to it easier, just disconnect the the rear drive shafts from the transfer case, then unhook and remove the transfer case. After that, you can look in the back of the transmission and see the governor. It is removed with 2 10mm bolts. It's real easy. :) Good luck with it!
Edit: just read that again, I missed where you said you had NO 2nd. The governor won't help with that. You may be looking at a rebuild. Sorry, maybe someone else has more info than I do. Good luck with it, nonetheless!

Looks like the band is gone, I can adjust the heck outta it, and it doesn't tighten up. :(
if I had a broken servo piston would this explain this? or just a straight up broken band?

That's the sign of a broken band, the band adjustment should tighten if the servo has failed.
