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1994 won't start


New Member
December 8, 2002
Reaction score
City, State
Austin, Texas
Year, Model & Trim Level
1996 XLT
I have a 1994 Eddie Bauer with over 270,000 miles that won't start. Turns over fine, just won't catch. It has had starting problems intermittently for about 6 months, a little worse and worse, till it gave it up last week. Not interested in spending a bunch of money on it, but the body is in pretty good condition. I was thinking fuel pump, fuel filter, or ?? computer chip? Any other thoughts before I have it towed to the local garage for investigation. If it costs me more than $1000 to fix, I might do better donating it to a charity and getting a newer one. Any ideas appreciated.


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Is the no start a lack of fuel, spark, or both?
1st thing I would do, is make sure the fuel pump is coming on when you turn the key on.

Turn the key to the run position - and listen to hear if the fuel pump is running. You should hear a sort of whine noise for a few seconds, then it will stop. Pop the key again and it should run again.

Then go under the hood - find the schrader valve on the fuel rail and see if there is pressure inside the fuel rail. Don't get gas sprayed in your eyes. I use an automotive tire presure (cheapy dial type) for impromtu fuel pressure checks on the fuel rail valve. Just press it on there and see what PSI you have. It should be over 20# and peak higher -

If you have good fuel PSI - then move to the spark... I use a spark tester that I picked up at the auto parts store - get one that has a ground wire - they work better. Check to see if you have spark. If not - check the coil and connections.

Let us know what happens next...

An engine needs 4 things to run: Air, compression, fuel, and spark. I would check the fuel pressure first. Like glfredrick said, check the pressure at the fuel rail on the intake manifold. then spark. if both of these are present, also, it is not just the fuel pressure that matters, but the fuel VOLUME.first place that I would check that affects fuel volume is the fuel filter. These can get clogged over time. How was the truck running before? If it was pretty sluggish, chances are you have a bad fuel filter. To check(might as well replace while youre under there) remove the fuel filter with the special tool and attach a tube to the filter. try blowing through it. if you cant blow through it with very little resistence, then it is clogged. Check the fuel pressure, spark, and fuel volume(most likely fuel filter) and then you should have some idea of what is going on.

Thanks, great suggestions. I will run through these this weekend. What it has been doing the last few months is fail to start occasionally. Then, if you let it sit, it might start later. Sometimes it would go weeks without a problem, then - boom - wouldn't start. This gradually got worse and worse till last week, when I was able to start it one last time at work and drive it home. Hasn't started since. All during this time, if it did start, it ran pretty good, wouldn't die at a stop or anything. It seems to strictly be a 'starting' thing.

check the fuel pump I had to put a new one in my 93 sport it started the same thing
but after I replaced it I havent had trouble since.
