1996 Explorer Lift Options? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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1996 Explorer Lift Options?

March 23, 2006
Reaction score
City, State
Burlington Wisconsin
Year, Model & Trim Level
1996 XLT
I've been searching around for quite some time now for lift kits for a 96 explorer and i came across this website so I was wondering if u guys could help me out... I'm looking for a 3 to 4 inch lift for my explorer and I'd prefer it to be suspension, however, i cant find any suspension lifts for a 96 explorer; it seems like they dont make them for explorers after 1994--Why is that?. If there are any, are there any under $500?? IF not, what are some good body lift kits you may suggest??

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Welcome to the site. You can get a 4" suspension list but its run over $1500. Another option is to get a 3" body lift for a Ranger. The one used by most people on this site is Performance Accessories body lift #853. You will need bumper brackets since the ones in the kit won't fit. There is a diagram for them on the site, I just can't remember where they are currently. You can also do a Torsion bar twist and Add-a-leafs or shackles to give you between 1 & 2 inches of suspension lift.

from what I've seen you won't come close to a suspension lift with $500. A lot of people do body lifts but some don't recommend it. Use the search feature suspension lift and body lift and you'll get dozens of hits including many with installation articles and pics for both types

wow thanks for all the info. i think i might go w/ the performance accessories lift but where can i get bumper brackets that fit???

i have a 96 as well and have the same question. Why do some people say to not put that body lift on?

and also, with that Performance Accessories body lift #853, what size tires will fit?

plug said:
Why do some people say to not put that body lift on?

Because it raises your center of gravity just like a suspension lift - but a body lift can/may result in more body "roll". I have one on my '00 and I don't feel any difference than stock.

plug said:
what size tires will fit?

If you do some searching you'll see that a few people are running the body lift, but have different size tires. This is because every truck is a little different - and so are the owners. Some people don't like cutting away fender wells, while some don't really care. I believe you will be able to fit a 32" tire with minimal trimming (if any). Check the Tire/Wheel section and there's a "what tires fit" guide/chart for model year and lift height as to what tire size will fit.


How do i adjust my torsion bars??

Not trying to be an a$$, but if you use the search function you will find LOADS of info quicker than waiting for a couple of answers here. :thumbsup:

OK, answers. Body lift is ok to use. Bumper brackets, you will have to fab some up for the rear, they sell a set for the front, just dont remember the part#. Torsion bars. If you stick your head under the truck, you will see a round bar that runs from the front to about half way back on each side of the truck. At the back side of the bracket you will see a bolt that threads up. By tightening this bolt on each side, you lift the front of the truck. Down side to this, you put more angle on the drive axles. Not a big deal, just prepare your self to replace them sooner.

Tire size, with a 3 inch BL, TT and rear shackles, you can fit 33x12.50 tires on 15x10 wheels. The catch is you will have to trim your lower trim pieces on the wheel well. If you do any kind of off road, take those pieces off and trim some of the metal back. If you dont, you will get nicks taken out of your tire. I recommend a 32, less hassle.
If you do the TT, get a longer shock/strut in front. The factory one causes you to lose about an inch of drop,(less flex)
