1st Gen Steering Wheel Replacement | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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1st Gen Steering Wheel Replacement


April 4, 2009
Reaction score
City, State
Snohomish, Washington
Year, Model & Trim Level
1998 Mounty V8
So I was thinking of switching up the steering wheel to one that came off a 2nd gen or so. I have looked up and down the forum for hours and have yet to find what I am looking for. I have seen a 1st gen with a 2nd gen steering wheel on car domain, but haven't seen a write up on how to do it.

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I have seen near new ones on Ebay. There's a seller now that has a hard wood one for 1st gens.

I replaced the steering wheel in my 92 with one from a 94.
I found a brand new 94 wheel with cruise on E-bay and it was a direct swap. But I also had to replace the horn pad, also from a 94 since the 92 and 94 were different.
The reason for replacing it was the "black goo" leaking out of the 92 wheel.
I know that both these wheels are from "gen 1" vehicles. But I put this info up anyway since there is so little info about anything to do with steering wheels on here.

I have a 2nd Gen steering wheel in my 1st Gen.....

But I also have a 2nd Gen everything else in there too...so I don't know how you would install a 2nd Gen wheel on a 1st Gen column....anything is possible...with enough time & money....


I'm resurrecting this thread from the dead since I don't want to start a new one. How hard is it to remove the stock steering wheel and replacing with an aftermarket one like one from Grant?

Pretty easy with a steering wheel puller you can rent. Some seem to be able to yank it off without a puller. I was never able too. You'll loose your horn & cruise with an after market wheel unless you make something work with the wiring.
Another option is to recover the wheel with a wheelskins wheel cover. They are leather & lace up tight. Almost looks factory. I had 1 on every X I owned. PITA to put on but worth it.

You'll need to buy/rent a steering wheel puller made for the purpose, but once you have that and the horn pad off, it's pretty easy to yank the stocker off.

As for an aftermarket wheel like a Grant, you'll need the right adapter kit for the steering wheel to fit on the stock steering shaft. You can keep the horn, but will lose the cruise control unless you either make your own brackets/adapters to mount the stock cruise controls to the aftermarket wheel, or pay up the $100+ for Grant's own Ford cruise controls that mount to their steering wheels.

Just keeping the stock wheel is a better option, especially for daily driving.

If the stock steering wheel leather is falling apart, either get an inexpensive steering wheel cover, or get a lace-on replacement.
