2000 Explorer buying advice please! :) | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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2000 Explorer buying advice please! :)


New Member
October 6, 2016
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Sugar Land, Texas
Year, Model & Trim Level
2000 Explorer
Hello guys I'm new to the forum, my daily driver is a 2006 Ford Ranger sport rwd with the 3.0 Vulcan 175K Miles. My dad bought this really clean 2000 eddie bauer Explorer with the 5.0 V8 and 4 speed tranny with 220k miles, he's offering it to me for 700 bucks! I've done research in its drivetrain and concluded that the 5L V8 paired with the 4 Spd is pretty good, I've just never bought such a high milage vehicle! any input and advice will be appreciated! she idles good and the 5L sounds amazing, few things here and there that need fixing but nothing major it seems other than fluid changes and tune. I'm a student and i also work so my budget is pretty tight. i plan to use the vehicle for a weekend camping rig if i do get her! again, input and advice appreciated. thanks guys

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Buy it. It's probably got at least another 80-100K left in it and the 5.0L drive train is as good as it gets. $700 is a steal. We have 4 5.0L's in the family and all have over 200K on them now.

thanks for the reply koda! interestingly the truck i am purchasing is the same color scheme as yours! (by the way im glad you're ok after the axle incident)

thanks for the reply koda! interestingly the truck i am purchasing is the same color scheme as yours! (by the way im glad you're ok after the axle incident)

Thanks. Me too.

I love my '01 EB. For it's age it's in extremely good condition inside and out. Mechanically it's perfect. I rarely drive it except for special occasions or when my '01 ST is broke down, which is more often than I like! My spare truck ('00 XLT 5.0L) isn't registered right now, as I really don't need it and I believe it's got a rear axle bearing issue (it squeaks). Time to move that one up the priority repair list next I guess.

Yeah they're really nice trucks! Its unbelievable how much more luxurious (for me) the EB truck is over my newer sport ranger haha. Hope the repair for the xlt goes well! It's always nice to have an extra vehicle.
I do have one question koda, today I did an oil change, air filter change and maf sensor cleaning along with throttle cable mod. I plan on doing brake fluid and power steering, diff fluid change in the near future. But when it comes to the transmission would it be a good idea to service it? Considering the truck's milage?

I'm reluctant to do full fluid changes or flushes on high-mileage (over 200K) transmissions. I think a pan drop, magnet cleaning and quality trans filter replacement is safer. I also like to add a drain plug to the pan to make future pan drops a much neater/easier job. It's about the messiest job you can do on a vehicle. The ATF fluid goes everywhere.

Sorry for the late reply Koda, been so crazy lately. i think ill just leave the tranny alone. i have to take care of some squeaky balljoints now lol. thank you so much for your advice and time!
