2000 Mach CD eject error | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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2000 Mach CD eject error


Well-Known Member
November 9, 2005
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City, State
Waterloo Ontario
Year, Model & Trim Level
2000 XLT 4.0 SOHC 4X4
My CD player wont work. At first the problem was intermittent, but now permanent. CD will go in and then come back out after a few seconds and I get a "no CD" Message or a "CD eject error" message

Anyone found a fix?

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I took the HU out and cleaned the ribbon cables from the CD unit with no luck. Also getting "CD error 10" Message.

anyone else having CD isues?

Until 2012 my CD player worked fine. Then it would not accept another CD until the last one had been out for 12 hours. Later it would not accept another CD until the last one had been out for 24 hours.

Since last month it will not accept any CD. It goes through the few bounces cycle and then ejects.

The audio walk through doesn't show any DTCs. Any ideas anyone?

^ Buy something aftermarket that plays MP3 files from a USB flash drive or SD card so you do away with low capacity mechanical CD players.

I tried cleaning the ribbon cable connections as well with no luck. I ended up getting one from the junkyard and I removed the CD player and put it in my original one as my unit was in overall better condition, works fine now. I think the cause of the problem is the lights that the sensors see go bad.

CD eject problem solved. Bought a used Ford Mach radio from Pick & Pull for $30. I work better then the one I had in that it includes RDS. Also learned that the CD player is rivited to the radio part. So the CD player can not be sold seperatly.

Repeat malfunction.

Now the replacement CD player is going through the same intermittent problem that the original player had. If others don't have this problem, the computer must be causing this to the player on my model. So it looks like the player needs to be replaced more often than the radiator.

For instance

^ Buy something aftermarket that plays MP3 files from a USB flash drive or SD card so you do away with low capacity mechanical CD players.

Do you have a suggestion for an SD card or flash drive instrument that fits or attaches to the MACH radio?

Do you have a suggestion for an SD card or flash drive instrument that fits or attaches to the MACH radio?

No I was talking about replacing the entire radio, using an adapter plate and wiring harness adapter (or a lot of soldering) to get there.

However, with enough imagination I suppose anything is possible. If you reverse engineered the CD player circuit to find the analog audio output from the CD reader mechanism, and presumably wired in a 2nd switch you manually toggle, that tells it to go into CD player output mode, then you could stuff something like the following in the CD slot area, insulating it electrically of course:

A slot length cover could be used to mount "panel mount" switches to replace the ones it has on the PCB, then a simple voltage regulator subcircuit to drop ~ 14V battery voltage down to whatever the module needs. Seems like a lot of work though, instead of getting a replacement radio considering the age of the OEM radio at this point.
