2001 explorer 5.0 wont start | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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2001 explorer 5.0 wont start

jake hunt

March 24, 2011
Reaction score
City, State
locust grove
Year, Model & Trim Level
2001 xlt
ive swapped the engine and all electrical into my 77 f150 it gets spark and the fuel pump kicks on for a split second and goes off, i hooked it up direct so it was pumping, and still wouldnt start?? what the heck is wrong, it will start if i pour gas in the intake, and i am using the explorer steering column please help im going crazy

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Do you have a noid light, or some way to tell that the injectors are firing?

no i have no idea what a noid light is haha, im sure they arent firing, because i hooked up the fuel pump direct and still wouldnt start,

Are you using the PCM from the 2001 Explorer? I'm wondering if it's the PATS causing the problem.

Yeah, PATS issue.

whats PCM and PATS? lol sry im new to the fuel injection scene, where are they located and what do they look like?

i just unbolted everything from the explorer that had wires going to it i didnt unhook anything except the steering column but i hooked it all back up, in the f150, and hooked up every ground wire i could find, im getting fire, just not to the injectors there is power to the fuel pump for a split second when i turn on the key, i cranked over the motor with a test light to an injector and got nothing, oh by the way thank for ant and all info on this

PCM= Powertrain Control Module this is what controls fuel, spark etc.

PATS= Passive Anti Theft System. This keeps someone from hot wiring the vehicle. There is a computer chip in the key that allows it to start. The PATS plugs into the PCM when the PATS is disconnected it into disables it and it has to be reprogrammed by a Ford dealer.

well that sucks, is there no way it can be re programed at my house?

well that sucks, is there no way it can be re programed at my house?

If you get the key,ign and module from the same vehicle and wire it in you might have some luck.

thats what im working with, all my parts came from one vehicle, the (theft) light dont come on at all since ive put everything in my truck, its supposed to blink all the time then come on for a second when you turn on the key then go off, right? so unhooking the pats then reconnecting the same one should work? or erase the memory??

I'm having the same issue on a 2000 explorer i swapped a 5.0 into i unplugged the PATS now i have no crank over or anything and the theft light flashes rapidly .As far as the anti theft device goes at this point i wish someone would have stolen it .
