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2001 update

Gse Brent

Well-Known Member
July 9, 2010
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Small Wonder
Year, Model & Trim Level
2001 Explorer Sport Trac
Haven't been on here in months probably since mid summer or so I'd say. Anyway here's an update I officially own my 2001 ST, finally paid off. Truck has been great these years however after I now own it now things have been going down hill. I got a decent list of things that need to be done to preserve it's life but I never have the time or the money to get it done, story of my life. Haven't done anything to it since the summer. I'm debating on selling it as opposed to finishing off its "needs" list. It has 135k and needs a good bit of TLC. Not even sure how much I'd want for it, not even sure what it's worth, maybe 5k or 6k. I'm sure most of you know what my ST looks like so spread the word. Not actively selling but will entertain offers. Also I can provide a list of what it needs done. It's not hard, just need time and money, I have neither. Also if you do your own repairs then even better. I think I'm definitely done offroading for now.

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Sucks that you're deciding to get rid of it, especially now that it's paid off. Mine has been paid off for about two years now. I have no intensions of selling it because in total I have about $30k into it after interest not including all the mods, upgrades, repairs and parts stockpiled for the SAS. I already know I'm going to need to replace the trans and motor really soon. I'm not spending the money on rebuilding them, I already have a line on a couple different V8's/ C6's and transfercase's. Doing all these upgrades will take awhile but be way more cheaper then another truck payment that I can't afford.

Best of luck with selling it man, seems like a lot of members are taking that route in the last two years.

I know how that is. I need to stop pouring money into mine since I know after college when I have a real job I'll sell it for a newer bigger truck that can sadly get better gas mileage than this thing… Good luck with whatever route you take.

I really don't want to sell it, I'd rather keep it but it's gonna take some time and money to fix. I'm willing to wait it out and see how far I can go.

I'm pretty confident I can be settled with solving this oil leak problem, trans fluid change, steering column fixed, alignment and thermostat. I may need an upper a arm too. Not sure yet.

I might have an upper A arm for you in my stock pile since the SAS. Which side would you need? I don't have a list or pictures of what I have leftover (just about the entire front setup is there) but I'll be getting pictures of what I have soon for someone else who wants the brake dust shields so I could let you know. Thanks Jerry for pointing skpyle in my direction by the way.

I'll need the drivers side if it's tweaked. Let me know, may need some other stuff too.

Stick it out! Now that you have no payment you will have the cash to make repairs. your mileage is really low! And you know the maintenance history on it. Just my 2 cents worth.. I still have my '05 and so far really like it overall. It has 90k miles so far..

You wouldn't get enough on a trade in to make it worth trading. Since it's paid off, why not budget $200-$400 a month in maintenance costs, or whatever your previous payment on it was, and have it all fixed in months rather than signing up for 3-6 years of those payments? JMO

Yea I'm leaning towards keeping it. The repairs aren't as bad as I thought. I'd say easily under $800 to get it back to normal. It's still drivable but it's pissing oil and coolant (pcv valve and thermostat housing). I put my spare on the drivers side front because I think my alignment is off, hopefully nothing is bent. Other than that I broke my shift linkage but I'm shifting manually by the cable, PITA but no biggie. Most important repairs are the thermostat housing and pcv valve, other stuff can temporarily wait.

After nearly a year of not getting anywhere I think I may be parting ways with my ST. I believe the motor is about to go. It's got a pretty bad knock. Trying to see what's the best way of selling this? As is? Part it out? I don't wanna scrap it and id like to get as much as I could for it. Not sure what it's even worth sitting the way it is. Haven't put any ads up for it yet. Wanna test the waters first.

Judging by your post on the other thread I'd say at least sell the easy stuff to take off. The roof rack, wheels, tires, that kind of stuff. Then just sell it for whatever you could get. I'd possibly be interested in just the crossbars if you did that

Dang man sorry to hear
