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2002 Exp Cluster Issues

My car has 77K miles on it. Once I install a new IC, if that is successful, I'm guessing there will be no lasting proof of my mileage.

I'm pretty sure the mileage is stored elsewhere, not in the IC. Someone else who's replaced their IC might have more info but I seem to recall reading it was stored in another module somewhere.

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I'm pretty sure the mileage is stored elsewhere, not in the IC. Someone else who's replaced their IC might have more info but I seem to recall reading it was stored in another module somewhere.

When I installed a Mounty cluster, I used the digital display from my original cluster and the mileage was still off. My guess is that the mileage is stored on a chip on the cluster circuit board.

I called the dealer about getting the correct mileage programmed and they said they can't do it.

The IC can be replaced for about $50-75, used from Ebay. I got one for my 2002 Explorer 4X4. You can't fix the old one. The replacement came from a car with 98,000 on it and that mileage is what now shows up. My old IC worked except the odometer would not light up.

I also had huge door ajar switch problems that were unrelated to the IC. See my post at: http: //www.explorerforum.com/forums/showthread.php?t=392390d. One little switch seemed to throw the whole electrical system off. Don't give up.

The IC can be replaced for about $50-75, used from Ebay. I got one for my 2002 Explorer 4X4. You can't fix the old one. The replacement came from a car with 98,000 on it and that mileage is what now shows up. My old IC worked except the odometer would not light up.

The IC can be repaired. The likelyhood that you or I can repair one is small, however there are posts here where people have actually made repairs at home that involved replacing caps on the board. There are also electronics places that repair ICs for a living. Try googling "Ford Instrument Cluster Repair". They are going to be more than $50-$75 though. More like ~ $200.

I'm surprised that the mileage is stored on the IC board. I thought it was stored on the PCM. Seems like an easy way to defraud a vehicles mileage - just swap in a used lower mileage one from ebay. Easily could add hundreds of dollars to a vehicle's value.

I was surprised, too. The PCM should control the odometer. I will tell any new owner that mine is about 100,000 too low, but nobody could tell that the IC has been replaced. It plugged right in, and I was happy to see the odometer light up again. Maybe some tech could repair one, but it is sealed and complex and will be beyond most of us.

Thank you Rondo, for fixing that link.

catlin, you are welcome.

My odometer is about 100,000 miles too low also. I was also surprised by the odometer being stored on the IC board.

My hunch is that the mileage data is retrievable from the PCM with the right equipment.

The dealerships would be reluctant to program an IC that they had not installed. There would be a possibility of getting themselves into big trouble with a fraud charge if one of their techs screwed up.

My hunch is that the mileage data is retrievable from the PCM with the right equipment.

The dealerships would be reluctant to program an IC that they had not installed. There would be a possibility of getting themselves into big trouble with a fraud charge if one of their techs screwed up.

Here in Mass they are not allowed to do it. They have to send any IC that they install out to a third party company for odometer calibration. I can see how the stuff would hit the fan if they had an unscrupulous tech doing some odometer changes on the sly.

Hello, I am back! Bloody knuckled and full of knowledge on my ford explorer, only I am missing something.

I bought a new/used IC from a 2004 explorer (Remember mine is the June 2002 model). Connections lined up and I installed it. Turned the key over and......Nothing. The vanity lights come on, the high beam indicator comes on, the blinkers / hazards blink on the new dash but I get no readings on anything else.

H E L P! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !! ! ! !

I love my explorer and if I can't fix this myself, i'm junking the whole thing and getting a new car. I can't stand not knowing how much gas I may or may NOT have.

checked every fuse in the box under the dash, checked everyone in the box behind the battery under the hood.

WHAT AM I MISSING!!?!?!?!?!!!! Is there another computer? Is there another relay i need to replace? I need some serious help here.


Found it! Broken wire at the boot of the rear hatch against the door frame, it was a Bat cable which means it put volts into the frame so the ground wires were showing voltage (WEIRD!) but get this!!!!......For some reason when a load was put on the frame, it caused no power to go to the memory fuse on the hot fuse box under the hood :eek:

So now i put my old dash back in and it works great!

Found it! Broken wire at the boot of the rear hatch against the door frame, it was a Bat cable which means it put volts into the frame so the ground wires were showing voltage (WEIRD!) but get this!!!!......For some reason when a load was put on the frame, it caused no power to go to the memory fuse on the hot fuse box under the hood :eek:

So now i put my old dash back in and it works great!

Wow, that's some great detective work. Congratulations and thanks for sharing the fix. I'm curious if the new IC worked after you found the broken power wire?

I purchased a 2004 (Early model) dash for 35$ from a junkyard on ebay. It worked great, it did not show the mileage though which i found strange. Some of the warning lights were on but the fuel / temp / tach / speedometer / volt gages all worked perfectly. It also gave my door adjar alarm, seatbelt alarm, interior and vanity lights, power windows the power that they needed.

If anyone needs a working 2004 IC, I am willing to sell it to them for $35 + shipping. ( I live in Phoenix)

