2002 Power Seat weird | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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2002 Power Seat weird


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November 8, 2008
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I have a 2002 explorer limited and my seat wont move with the switch. The seat moves when I push the #1 or #2 button for the seat memory. When using the slide/toggle switch located on the side of the seat the seat does not move back and forth or up and down.

I checked the fuse in spot #20 - 5A and it's ok.

Any Ideas?

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Switch maybe?

Hey there CRAZYDAVE. Sounds to me like you probably have a switch malfunction. Obviously your seat track/motor assembly and seat module are responding if you can move it via the memory seat buttons. I would check for any obvious fixes such as a lose connection at the switch or damaged wiring under the trim panel. Next would be to check out the switch itself. Hope this helps!

I have an Explorer 2002 Limited too, and I have almost the same problem. The driver's seat doesn't work at all. I check the fuses and are ok. I moved the seat and checked the cables and are ok. I took the dealer and they say that the motor is ok but, they want me to pay $500 to look deeper, JUST TO LOOK, to figured out what is going on. HELP PLEASE!

Any ideas?

the fuse is blown,

the wire rubs on the seat base.

depending where the break is, you need a new switch and fuse, or just repair it, and wire tie it away from the seat base.

I have an '05, it goes back & forth but not up-down. I think I hear a click when I push the button for up/down..

Was told to change the seat module, could it be the wiring and or one of the relays on the seat track? Seat modules are $$$!

I have an '05, it goes back & forth but not up-down. I think I hear a click when I push the button for up/down..

Was told to change the seat module, could it be the wiring and or one of the relays on the seat track? Seat modules are $$$!

99% you need a seat motor.

I have an '05, it goes back & forth but not up-down. I think I hear a click when I push the button for up/down..

Was told to change the seat module, could it be the wiring and or one of the relays on the seat track? Seat modules are $$$!

mine did the same thing. But the front of the seat was stuck in the lowest position. I thought it was the motor or gear box that was jammed. To check it out i had to remove the 4 bolts holding the seat and tilt it forward. Once i did that i could grab the screw rod with pliers that adjusted the seat. I was able to manually spin the rod a turn to move it out of its stuck position. After which i thought the motor was gone BUT NO, it worked. My thought was it got jammed in a 'bad spot' motor or gearbox and just had to be moved a little to get it working again.

I just no longer leave it at a 'Max/Min' setting but just keep it in the middle of everything been working fine since.

OK after I got that alternator off & on in 20 minutes, it was time to pull this drivers seat.

As soon as I did - the up down motors had more than a click.

I could see the rear motor trying - the black shaft was wiggling as if trying to move, I got pliers on the screw porting and broke that free. And lube it well - now the back goes up & down.

The front motor - spins, but its clear the fore aft brass screw in the steel sleeve is not moving.

Would look like something in the transfer gear is stripped??

Stripped either in the motor or at the transfer from horizontal to the forward facing brass drive screw.

Can you get those or are you into an entire motor asy?

It looks like a bugger of a job to pull this all apart!

that stinks. Until i fixed mine i took a quick look. . .pricey to say the least.
The thing is - you have to buy the whole seat track system, not much in sub components to buy that i could find. One guy had motors but nothing else on fleabay, $135 or so. Best bet is a local JY, where about in MI are you? I got a feeling they want you to buy the whole seat.

Same SE area - Dearborn and the burbs, I haven't tried the JY system yet, but did look on the fleebay and saw what you saw, pricey and not clear the one part was what was going to be needed. It probably can be repaired by pulling some stuff out of the way and then changing out a piece of that drive gear. I would think that either the shaft is stripped at one of the ends (motor or gear) or the gear is stripped internally. And as the rear one was stuck, this one too, maybe since the truck was a year old.

just to help i've been by a few yards. . .they seem plentiful around here.
American & Import had a few 3rd gen a while back. . .good selection.
Harry's Auto on McNichols had one or two.
But they are getting older so i don't know what they have now.
PickuPull on 8 mile has a bunch of 2nd Gens but no third gens.
