2003 100th Year Harley Motorcycle - Whoops | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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2003 100th Year Harley Motorcycle - Whoops

As some of you know my dad was in a motorcycle accident over on the East Coast last weekend. He was on his mid-life crisis Harley trip around the country.

While in North Carolina, he was run off the road by a car passing another car on a two lane road. The car pulled into his lane (coming head on) and didn't slow down, merge over, or even seem to notice he was there. My dad braked for as long as he could on the road and laid it over off the side at the last second.

The other car never stopped, but the car that was now behind him got his license plate number and the po po is on his ass.

My dad has four broken ribs, a broken scapula (bone that sticks out of your shoulder blades I guess) and a punctured lung sack.

My sister is out there now (from TX) and they plan on taking a train back to Texas (cause he can't fly due to the lung).

He seems to be doing okay for a motorcycle crash like this one. Here are a few pics my sister took:




The bike seems to have faired pretty well. He's having it shipped back to CA right now. :(

Anyone know if there is a helmet law in NC? He said there were no helmet laws in most of the northern states he was in and he rode without one for nearly a month or so. (He's a biker... anti-helmet .. first bike at 13..)

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well they just passed it here that you dont need a helmet. sorry to hear your dad was in the accident. hope everything heals well. and glad hes ok.

I'm glad he's okay. Really, it could have been a lot worse without his helmet on. Maybe now he'll consider it.

I hope they catch the *******. But then again, the worse they'll charge him for is, what, reckless driving?

Was he wearing any sort of protective clothing? A leather jacket? Road rash makes me quiver....I almost always wear an armored jacket for riding...

If you cause an accident you can get much more than reckless driving:

attempted vehicular manslaughter, leaving the scene of an injury accident, etc.


He came out better then I thought from reading your post.

Glad he's ok, Hope he changes his outlook on helmets now and starts wearing one!!

Oh man...I'm sorry it happened. People in NC don't know how to drive. They are too aggressive.

North Carolina law states any motorcycle riders must wear their helmet no matter how old they are. So if you're riding a motorcycle, you must wear your helmet. In addition, the headlights must be on when it's in operation.

Glad to hear he is ok. Sorry about his luck. I had a friend killed last weekend on his Harley (during a benefit ride to help a fellow biker who was paralized in a wreck). He was a true hardcore rider (been riding since he was 16 and died at 54). Some kid was changing CDs and came head on into his lane hitting and killing him...hit 9 other bikes too (people lost limbs)...Im done with riding bikes...Ill stick to the four wheeler.:(

Alot of people don't pay attention to bikes. I know I've been in several close call on my old R6. Thats why my girlfriend made me sell it.

btrs x, that happend like 5 mins from my house. that was really ****ty because there were almost 100 bikers getting together for a benefit ride, how the f does somebody miss 100 bikes??? he hit a total of 10 people, what an idiot.

I heard the kid got the hell beaten out of him by the other bikers.

My friend that he killed left 2 daughters, 1 son, and a wife.

I was going to get a new bike this winter when the prices dropped....but I highly doubt it now.

96eddiebauer i agree with you there, i cant count how many times i've had a close call when someone was trying to pass another car on a two lane road here in north carolina. sorry to hear about that accident with your dad there section. my friends dad almost died riding his harley out on highway 17 in new bern. lady pulled right in front of him while he was doing about 55 i think, didnt have time to move. went over the handle bars. he is lucky to be alive, pretty sure he broke most of the bones in his lower body. i hate the fact that a lot of people don't pay attention to bikers on the road. soon as i have the money i'm gonna get a bike, and the fact that people dont pay attention has me worried. oh well sorry for my ranting. glad to see your dad made it through that

I hate to hear stories about this,
section525 I am glad to hear your dad is ok!!!
BTRs X sorry to hear about your friend.
I think that I am really lucky only having 2 close calls in the past 8 mons. both pulled out in front of me from the right, I saw both of them coming thou.

Winter is coming up so the roads are going to get crowed with people that do not know where they are going (snow birds) and the old people that cannot see.
My Suzuki was been down for about a month with a blown rear shock, I made my last truck payment last week so I can start to fix my bike, rear shock and rear tire 170/60ZR17.
Drive safe no matter what you ride in or on, please!!

Dude - sorry to hear about your dad. My dad is a big motorcycle enthusiast and has been run of the road a few times too. Massachusetts has a helmet law, but NH does not.
