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2003 BMW 745Li

Originally posted by Stephen
As for the Jag, really a nice car and very classy. I looked at it before I got the LS400. I just didnt like the narrow seats or the lack of headroom.

If those are the only features of the Jag that have stuck in your head, it would definitely be in your best interest to check out the new ones. The interior has been redesigned to solve those issues.

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I say ta get an Audi RS6! :D and end of this week will come some jag pics :)

Micheal, yeah I could be down at the Kia dealership debating colors, so I guess I shouldnt worry too much about it LOL.

As for the Jag, the XJ gets totally redesigned this year and its supposed to be improved in all these areas, I'll definately check it out. I also look forward to driving the new A8, I always really liked the current one.

As for the Lexus, I agree here for the past couple of years the styling just hasn't been there to make them stand apart, but the LS gets a refresh this summer so we'll see what they do. Its supposed to be quite good looking with a LOT of new features. They're talking about a enlarged engine, new seat features, things of that nature plus an AWD option.

From now on, any car that has the option of AWD I will do. Slipping around in the RWD Lexus has learnt me well.

BTW....my mom got 4 nails in her front passenger tire the other day and they were too close together to patch so she needs a new tire (Michelin pilot something or other 245/45/19)....damn those 19" tires are expensive...BMW wants $400 and the local Firestone dealer wants $320...oh well I guess it comes with the territory.

Originally posted by Stephen
As for the Jag, the XJ gets totally redesigned this year and its supposed to be improved in all these areas, I'll definately check it out.
My dad got invited by Jaguar Switzerland for the pre-premier of the XJthe day before it officially got presented to the press. He said the new XJ was nice but not a real XJ anymore as it got higher and proportions became more like the ones of the 7 BMW or Mercedes, not as sleek anymore as the "real" XJs. So, that could be good news for you, Stephen!

About my dad I have to say that he is a diehard and diehards normally don't like changes. He himself drives a British Racing Green (the only right color for a Jag according to him), mid 90ies XJR with the compressor charged I-6 engine. He has about 250'000 kms on it and besides beeing his daily driver, he takes it regularly to the racetrack.

Originally posted by donkey boy
He himself drives a British Racing Green (the only right color for a Jag according to him)

Your dad is 100% right.

Stephen, check out TheNewXJ.com, I found that link in a Motor Trend earlier. I haven't been there yet, but it should answer some questions.

Actually I really like the new 7-series too. I think you should also look at the new Audi A8 coming out. It looks like it's going to be really good.

c'mon Stephen...you know you want the 7, it is calling your name. As a matter of fact, I got this months BMW Magazine in the mail today and now I think the 760Li is calling your name.........V12 power, nuff said.

Phhhhht, naa the V12s (7 and S) are a little over the top for me, I dont really see them being worth the premium. I do really like the 7 though, not sure why I just think its a great looking car.

Lexus is considering coming out with a V12 LS to sticker at around $85k, that could be worth considering. Not until 2006 though... Thats quite a deal compared to a $130,000 S600...

Well the parents were out of town this weekend so I was cruising in the 7 all weekend and let me tell you, if you cruise in the right places it is a chick magnet b/c a majority of the women down here are gold-diggers.

You can't pass up BMW engineering, Stephen :D They don't have the slogan "The ultimate driving machine" for nothing.

BTW, over the weekend I raced my friend's mom's 02 LS430 and took it by about 4-5 car lengths to about 130 before i shut down. Going to try out his dad's 98 GS400 next time I have the bimmer.
