2003 clicking on start - no turn over | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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2003 clicking on start - no turn over


April 17, 2003
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'03 XLT
I have a low mileage truck which has not had any problems. Few weeks ago went to start it in P, all I heard was a clicking sound rat tat tat. I remembered a problem from years ago with a neutral start switch, so I put it in N and it started.
Skip ahead 2 weeks, now it does the clicking in P and N, no turn over. Will not start. I suspect the solenoid, should I pull off the starter and have it tested?
Also, what is the correct torque for the starter bolts? Thanks in advance!!


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Try checking the battery post connections first for crud or build up.

Make sure they are clean and tight before you go chasing ghosts.

Always remember (KISS = Keep It Simple Stupid).

Also, make sure your battery actually has the voltage to roll it over, even if its clean :)

Connections looked ok at batt and starter jumped it
With a known good batt same result ... Click click click
Banged on started and solenoid still no go
Torque for starter bolts?



Did the new starter work?

Don't forget the ground point at the engine block as well.

Make sure it is tight.

Picked up a new battery, pos terminal at starter was loose.
Going to clean up all connections/grounds and install new battery.
I will post back with the results.

Cleaned grounds and battery terminals, positive connection at starter
was loose, cleaned/tighten that, new battery installed. Started right up!!
I think the battery was bad, but when I jumped it with a known good battery it still didn't start (?).

If the starter wires were loose it wont start or do anything, my jeep used to have a derpy wire that some electrical engineer put on for the solenoid (the small 12v) and it would kinda fall off because he had tried to hold it on with gum, so when you would turn the car over, everything would light up, but the starter wouldn't roll over...I fixed it using my own degree in electrical! (Proper size spade clamp and some heat shrink tubing!)
