2003 explorer xlt 2wd cruise control won't engage | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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2003 explorer xlt 2wd cruise control won't engage

olive drab

New Member
February 19, 2009
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Fuquay Varina, NC
Year, Model & Trim Level
2003 XLT
Fuses good. Brake switch on master cylinder good. 12 volt power to servo when ignition switch is on. Cruise "on" indicator light comes on when you press "on" then "set". Light will go out if tap brake pedal or slow to 30mph.
Any ideas ? If it is servo failure, how do you test it? There is a tsb #18254 but I can't find full text of it.

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welcome olive

I couldn't find a full text copy of TSB 18254 either, but I do have TSB 06-8-3 which looks like it would be of benefit to you. Send me a PM with your email address if you can't locate it.

I have found a copy of tsb 06-08-5, but couldn't find 06-8-3. Would appreciate seeing it. You can reply to this or email: pwc48@embarqmail.com. Thanks.

Yeah I saw 06-8-5 too but it looks like it doesn't apply to your '03 XLT. I think all the Gen 3 4-door Explorers use standard corporate protocol for a lot of the non-emissions sensors. I'll send you an email with 06-8-3. Let us know if it helps you diagnose and fix your cruise problem. Good luck!

ps - your's is a 4-door, right?

4 door is correct. Printed the tsb. It certainly looks like the correct one.
May be a day or 2 before i try it. Tks.

I'm having the same problem intermittently. Any idea where I can download a copy of that TSB?

I'm having the same problem intermittently. Any idea where I can download a copy of that TSB?

I'll send it to anyone that wants a copy but I need your email. You can PM me if you don't want to publish it here.

Using tsb 06-8=3, I tried to enter the self-test. It would not start the test, no flashes of any kind. Went back throught the checks I had already made. I had tested the cruise control deactivator switch (mounted on the master cylinder) for voltage out-put to the servo connector and found 12 volts (with switch on). I then thought about how much amperage the servo motor might need. I then checked the deactivator switch for resistance and found ~185 ohms. I then checked same thing on my 2000 Ranger and found ~1 ohm. A paper clip jumper in the deactivator switch wiring harness was all it took to make the cruise control engage again. A ~ $15.00 part from Advance will replace the paper clip.

Using tsb 06-8=3, I tried to enter the self-test. It would not start the test, no flashes of any kind. Went back throught the checks I had already made. I had tested the cruise control deactivator switch (mounted on the master cylinder) for voltage out-put to the servo connector and found 12 volts (with switch on). I then thought about how much amperage the servo motor might need. I then checked the deactivator switch for resistance and found ~185 ohms. I then checked same thing on my 2000 Ranger and found ~1 ohm. A paper clip jumper in the deactivator switch wiring harness was all it took to make the cruise control engage again. A ~ $15.00 part from Advance will replace the paper clip.

Hello Olive,

Could you please be a little more specific here? 'paper clip jumper in the deactivator switch'
Could that 'jumper' harm anything else?
Thank you,

I pulled the connector off of the deactivator switch and inserted the paper clip in the connector thereby "jumping" the 2 wires going to the connector (not the switch) therefore bypassing the switch for the test. If your cruise control works properly after doing this, then replace the switch and reconnect the wires. The only harm could come from using the paper clip as a permanent fix. You would be bypassing a safety feature.

having a ton of problem getting my cruise working again. have replaced the switches and wires and brake pedal control. still doing the same thing any help would be appreciated. the light just comes on for a split second when i hit set on my 03 sport trac

Dear Mr. Olive, did you find the problem? I have the same symtoms: Green dash indicator works as is expected, but I wont be able to check if servo gets power or not. The thing is that I can not get my car to mantain speed.

Cruise control not working on 2003 Explorer

If you read all of the posts you will find that I thought that the brake master cylinder switch was okay. I had only checked the voltage and it measured 12volts on the output side. I later decided to measure the resistance of this switch and found that it measured approximately 185 ohms. The similar switch in my 2000 Ranger measured approximately 1 ohm. A new $15.00 switch fixed my problem.
