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2003 explorer xlt questions


November 8, 2008
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03 xlt
i am putting a double din screen in next week havent got it yet. was wondering what the trick is to getting the factory radio out?

also been looking into doing a beltech drop. they offer a caster camber kit for the front, how off is the camber in the rear with this kit? its like like 2.5" drop.
if you guys could let me know what you guys did that would be a help. thanks

pop off the bezel around the radio and climate control to get the radio out.

Dont bother with a drop, everyone who's done it has regretted it, ride is too harsh.

yea thats what i figured it was the bezel. ive heard the same about lowering these explorers but i hate my fender gap... so dont know what to do

yea thats what i figured it was the bezel. ive heard the same about lowering these explorers but i hate my fender gap... so dont know what to do

get some 255/70's or 255/65's, it'll fill out the wells; that's what i'm gonna do.
