2003 XLT Weak Air Flow | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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2003 XLT Weak Air Flow


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July 29, 2007
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Rockledge, FL
Year, Model & Trim Level
'03 XLT
Need some help with my A/C air flow. Temp has always felt really cool, but my air flow has always been terrible. I have seen some of the Max A/C post out there that talk about a door opening/closing with a recirc actuator, not sure if that is my problem but it sounds very close.

I've located what I think is the blower unit behind the glove box, on top of that is a rectangular shaped box, with a 1x1 rigid black mesh of plastic on top of it. To me, this appears to be where a door may open/close when turning on the Max A/C setting. Can some confirm that a door should open or close there?


Am I out in left field here, or is this the right track? Best I can tell from the OEM Ford Parts sites this "mesh" area is an Air Inlet Duct?? Anyone know if that what ford likes to call it?


Any help would be greatly appreciated, my dealer told me it was because I had rear air, the air supply was going to rear vents. When I asked, what about when the rear is off.. they said it still had to fill the hoses :confused: hahaha.

Also, any recommendations on how to actually remove this without taking the entire dash apart would be awesome. Thanks

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Its the blend door, Got it fixed!

Well, i fixed the issue. I found a post where a guy had my exact problem, he took it to a dealer and had it fixed. He was told that this issue was the "blend door" problem. I ripped open the middle section in the attached picture (removed 5 screws on the front and side) and tada, there is my blend door laying flat on the blower. I notched some wooden stops to prop the plastic boxes open and using a flashlight, I was able to see the actuator pin. I then turned the engine on, and watched the pin as I switched from normal a/c and max a/c. With the pin left in the normal a/c position, I shut the car off. Now the tricky part, you have to get the pin on the far right end of the blend door stuck into its hole at the top of the "mesh" area. I used a 12" screw driver to place the pin in its hole. Then using the screw driver again, i was able to push the actuator pin towards the center console to make room to push the other end of the blend door up to the top. Then, while holding the door up as mush as possible, you have to reach around on the left side of the housing and push the actuator pin back into the housing and therefore back into the blend door (this was much easier after I removed the wooden props too). I did this time and time again only for the door to fall right back off when starting the a/c again. I finally realized that i needed to insert the screwdriver back into the gap between the plastic boxes, and pull the bottom of the door towards me, holding it tight against the mesh. This is the position the door is normally in when normal a/c is on. The door should stay in place until you switch to max a/c, when it then rotates to the back of the mesh.

WooHoo! :D Just glad I decided to tackle this myself instead of buying the 500 dollar evaporator unit and housing, to then have installed for most likely another 500 or a thousand. Hope this helps someone else, we have been driving our 2003 XLT for 70,000 miles and approximately 4 years and I don't think it has ever worked!

Good Luck

Need some help with my A/C air flow. Temp has always felt really cool, but my air flow has always been terrible. I have seen some of the Max A/C post out there that talk about a door opening/closing with a recirc actuator, not sure if that is my problem but it sounds very close.

I've located what I think is the blower unit behind the glove box, on top of that is a rectangular shaped box, with a 1x1 rigid black mesh of plastic on top of it. To me, this appears to be where a door may open/close when turning on the Max A/C setting. Can some confirm that a door should open or close there?


Am I out in left field here, or is this the right track? Best I can tell from the OEM Ford Parts sites this "mesh" area is an Air Inlet Duct?? Anyone know if that what ford likes to call it?


Any help would be greatly appreciated, my dealer told me it was because I had rear air, the air supply was going to rear vents. When I asked, what about when the rear is off.. they said it still had to fill the hoses :confused: hahaha.

Also, any recommendations on how to actually remove this without taking the entire dash apart would be awesome. Thanks


I just finished fixing the blend door issue on my '03 Explorer. Thanks for the detailed information on how to fix it. My A/C has always been cold, but the air flow has been weak. Pictures really won't work...as the opening to the box is limited. You have to have a flashlight to see the pin which is at the top left. Thanks again...good air flow now...

I'm having the same problem, except my door actually broke. (See my post A/C Problem) Was wondering if there is an easier way of getting the door back in? Maybe I'm missing something, but I barely got the housing pried open enough to get the door out. Any tips? Sorry to take over your thread, just really need some tips. Definately don't want to end up taking it to the dealership. Thanks!

You have to use some kind of small stops to keep the opening open. Make SURE you put the a/c control on normal a/c and not max a/c. Take a flashlight and look at the top left for the pin in the box. I used a small pry bar to reach the pin and push it toward the left until it is pushed flush with the box. On the right side at the top is the slot for the protruding notch on the door. Put the door back in and use the pry bar to push the protruding notch into the slot. It takes some time to get it up there. Once that is finished, push the other side to the top for the pin and then, and this is the hardest part, swing the end of the door toward you. Once the door is pressed up against the top of the box closest to you, reach up with the other hand and push the pin, located on the LEFT TOP OUTSIDE of the box, back into the the the blend door. For me, this was just pushing with my left hand as I manipulated the blend door with my right. It took a little time to get the exact fit. You have to do this blind. Hope this helps.

I'm thinking I have the same problem. Air coming from vents is cold but volume of air seems lower than normal since it is not cooling area in front of drivers face. No max A/C.

My question is about the number of screws to remove. There seems to be two on each side and three in front which is seven total. The instructions talk about only five screws. Were the screws in the back of unit removed. It appears the one on the left rear can be reached but the one on the right rear looks impossible to get at. Appreciate any clarification if back screws were left alone. That would make it harder to open for access. Seems back screws would have to come out or at least be loosened.

Also, how wide was the opening. Looks like no more than an inch can be achieved.

Thanks in advance.

I removed all of them, but the back ones were hard to do. I think it probably gave me an extra 1/2 inch. They were also very difficult to put back in. Hope this helps.


Thanks for the info. I'll give it a shot. It's been in the 90's here so good A/C is a necessity. We're spoiled, huh.

Have a happy July 4th.


Edit: I should of asked...what kind of wrench was used for the back screws. A box end ratchet or something else. Also, what would prevent this door from coming loose again. Poor manufacturing or other. Any ideas?

Hi.. I just spent 19 hours driving to MT to visit In-laws all the way here on a broken Blend door. I had the dealership fix this 3 years ago to date. Now the warranty on my '03 XLT is up. How long has your fix lasted? I will try before I head back to CA.


This is the first time in five+ years we've owned the explorer that we have had this problem. Maybe one of the others can answer better.

gaw, bjwebb311,

While thinking about this problem and what may cause it, I wonder if there is supposed to be some kind of cover or stop to prevent the pin on the left side from coming out and causing the door to come loose. Does this seem logical. If you can push the pin to the left to protrude out of the case it would seem that over a period of time it could work itself out of the blend door. I would hate to go through this job only to have it come off again.

Those who have repaired this already maybe could supply some clues or thoughts on why they think it failed.

Again, appreciate any help. I'm waiting for a sub 90 degree day to stick my head under the dash again. lol



Well, my fix only lasted about 8 months. I think turning the heat on twice during our two days of cold in central FL somehow screwed it all up. I noticed less air than normal, checked the door, and of course the damn thing was lying on top of the fan again. So this time I just took the door completely out..

Well, my fix only lasted about 8 months. I think turning the heat on twice during our two days of cold in central FL somehow screwed it all up. I noticed less air than normal, checked the door, and of course the damn thing was lying on top of the fan again. So this time I just took the door completely out..

Do you think the pin worked its way out as I suggested?

Weak air flow

Well... I took off the blower and went in from the bottom. You can get your complete hand up in there and line the door up to close for Max A/C. My relatives up here is MT have limited tools and I didn't want to mess up something that I would have to deal with for the 1350 miles back to CA. I propped up the blend door and secured it against the outside air inlet with wooden dowes. It is 106 in Visalia CA today and I wil need Max A/C for the next 2+ months. Will try to fix properly when it cools off in my Garage in late Sept. This issue really sucks... I also now know that cold air at my feet when the HVAC system is on Max A/C is not supposed to happen.

Okay, after lurking different forums for a week trying to find the solution to my weak air flow problem, this seems like it could be it. I live down here in South Florida so heater is no big deal to me for now.

What difference will be made if I just remove the blend door? Will Max AC work fine and just not the heater?


where are th eattached pics?

I realize it has been a while since you fixed the problem, but I too have the same exact problem now. I believe you fix is the one I need, however there are not photos posted. It would really be a huge help to be able to see my way throught this repair. Can you post them again?


