2004 Explorer chirp while driving... | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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2004 Explorer chirp while driving...


Well-Known Member
October 13, 2007
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'04 Eddie Bauer 4.0
Hey guys,

I own a 2004 explorer that i retired as my daily driver in the spring of this year. She has 118k on her and is in pretty damn good condition. I cant get rid of her because I need her to tow a small fishing boat, and get me places in the mountains in the winter time. But all in all...I have only put 1000 miles on her since spring when I opted to buy a new car with literally the money i was saving on gas from switching from the explorer to do my 50mi a day commute to work.

Anyways, I am getting the explorer ready for the winter now. I moved so I no longer have a commute, so I want to use the explorer in the winter and store my car until spring. The explorer has developed a "chirping" sound while driving. Sounds like a brake issue, or a wheel bearing (but i would think a wheel bearing would be more of a grinding or whurling sound?). It makes the sound if the brakes are pressed or not, no change in tone really if the brakes are down or not and it is definitely coming from the drivers side rear wheel. I checked out the rotors (which were replaced about 25-30k miles ago)and the wheel that is making the noise the rotor seems to be severely degraded more so than the other rear rotor. So I am hoping it is just the rotor, but my question is would a rotor be capable of producing this constant chirping sound I am hearing while driving? Or would it be more probable to be a wheel bearing? I have already replaced all 4 over the last 60k miles but wouldnt be surprised if the replacements are going because they are so horrible in this truck.

Let me know your opinions!

Just not wanting to put a bunch of money into the explorer anymore... Over 6 years of ownership I have replaced everything from the transmission to all the ball joints, wheel bearings, etc etc etc totaling about 9k dollars in repairs. I cannot part with her due to the amount of money into her, But i can only afford about $1000 in repairs to her a year now. it seemed like every other month I was dishing out 300-600 dollars on something for it.

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When I hear someone say "chirping" I think of the u joints.

You would need to remove the driveshaft to check them.

I had the same thing, coming from the same place, and it was the emergency brake hardware rubbing on the inside of the rotor. I'd guess that is what you have going on and that the hardware is pretty well shot-especially with the mileage on your vehicle. 100K is about the right time for the crappy factory e-brake hardware to start falling apart.

Do a search on here for replacing the e-brake. It sounds more complicated than it is. With the correct tool for the spring it will take you less than 30 minutes per wheel and the entire hardware and brake shoe kit is less than $75.

The AC Clutch has issues that make it chirp while engaging. At least on the 4.6l models. Does it do it with the AC off?

Def not the AC clutch, but could most definitely be the parking brake. The emergency brake hasnt worked in years. If I press it it slows the truck down, but not full force. Actually ive owned two ford explorers and the emergency brake never worked in either of them, even after spending a couple hundred to have it completely replaced and worked on by a shop still to have it not work. No matter what they did they could not get it to function, so i just gave up.

Is there an easy way to check and see if its in the parking brake?

definitely be the parking brake. The emergency brake hasnt worked in years. If I press it it slows the truck down, but not full force. Actually ive owned two ford explorers and the emergency brake never worked in either of them, even after spending a couple hundred to have it completely replaced and worked on by a shop still to have it not work. No matter what they did they could not get it to function, so i just gave up.

Is there an easy way to check and see if its in the parking brake?

Just out of curiosity, I see you live in NY state, so how are you getting your vehicle's to pass the yearly NY State Inspection with E-Brakes that do not work? The E-brakes must work in NY state to pass an inspection and get the new window sticker. My guess is you are slapping a little extra grease $$$, on your grease monkeys palm to over look that issue. :dunno: It's been known to happen on occasion. ;)
To check the parking brakes, you'll have to pull the rear rotors off of the vehicle to inspect the E-Brake hardware. Once you remove the rear wheels and brake calipers, the rotors might be hard to slip off due to a rusted up lip that forms on the inner rotor surface where the parking brake "shoes" rub up against the rotor surface. If this happens, you'll have to muscle them off by prying and pulling on them. You can break some of the rust free by lightly tapping a 3 lb hammer on the outer edges(non braking surface part) of the rotor.

I am friends with a shop owner, my brake system is checked extensively and I have it flushed every year and its well maintained, my truck just has always had an emergency brake problem. Ive brought it two places and spent 600+ dollars on emergency brake repair and it always does the same thing, works once then never again. So I gave up.

But, THANK YOU! It was my emergency brake making the noise! i pushed it down, and it held the truck and worked great. Then pressed the gas to see how well it was holding the truck and it held good, then I just pressed the gas more and it all let loose and is back to normal again and not working, and no noise!

This truck graduated from my daily driver, now its on to my little project/winter driver. I kept immaculate care of it for the past 6 years and the interior/most of the exterior looks mint for a 2004! Runs/Drives great (minus a little shake on the highway..original shocks with 119k on them!). I plan on doing an overhaul on this truck slowly over the next few years. Its got a new transmission and lots of new parts in it. I am looking at suspension components now..I am a fan of rancho, I was looking into the rancho quick lifts. anyone have them? I use it on a lot of dirt access roads in the adirondacks. Cross small creeks, lots of rocks, bumps, etc. She does decent now, I have Goodyear Wrangler silent armor with kevlar tires on it and they kick ass.
