2004 Explorer no heat | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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2004 Explorer no heat


Active Member
December 20, 2007
Reaction score
My 2004 has had no heat for about 4 years and I'm finally fed up and want to fix it. I've seen the videos of how to rig it manually pulling the lever down on the blend actuator to turn the heat on and it still blows no heat. What other areas could I check to see if there is a different cause for no heat. Please let me know thanks. And if anyone is local to Kennesaw Ga and could help id appreciate it.

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When you move the temperature knob do you hear a clicking sound? If so, the temperature actuator is bad. It is located in the lower dash, near the gas pedal. You can replace it without taking the entire dash out. There are videos on how to do this.

It could also be a blocked heater core. How hot are the hoses going into and out of the core?

I do remember when I got the lever down I felt a quick blow of warm air for about a second then went back to cool air coming out
