2004 Explorer XLT Transfer Case | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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2004 Explorer XLT Transfer Case


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August 4, 2011
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2004 Explorer XLT
I have a 2004 Explorer XLT, when climbing a loose gravel hill in any 4X4 setting, the front tires start to pull, I hear a loud clunking from under the SUV. It clunks more as the incline increases. I have read and believe its the Transfer Case chain slipping on the coggs.

On the tag it reads:

K0332 4411-09

116443 4L24-AC

Is this a 4411 Transfer Case?

On the dash the push buttons are labeled: 4X4 Auto, 4X4 High, 4X4 Low.

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It could be the front drive shaft U joint or the tc coupling, could be chain also. Loose or missing cross member bolts will also make a clunking noise.

I have a 2004 Explorer XLT, when climbing a loose gravel hill in any 4X4 setting, the front tires start to pull, I hear a loud clunking from under the SUV. It clunks more as the incline increases. I have read and believe its the Transfer Case chain slipping on the coggs.

On the tag it reads:

K0332 4411-09

116443 4L24-AC

Is this a 4411 Transfer Case?

On the dash the push buttons are labeled: 4X4 Auto, 4X4 High, 4X4 Low.

Yes, it is a BW 4411 transfer case.

Here's a good article on it that might help you figure things out:

Food for thought, the bw 4411 can send 70% power to front wheels in auto and a even 50/50 in 4hi.
You know the manual describes a loud clunk occasionaly when the auto 4x4 kicks in...
My 05 and 04 both clunk if its slipping tires... Does it only make noise in auto? If it also does it in 4hi then there is a problem most likely.. if it is only auto that may be just it...
I have a 4411 apart now and is say I really think the clutch pack would slip long before the chain starts skipping teeth and if it did/is it could break anytime... Imo I doubt its anything serious...

When was the last time you changed your transfer case fluid? Could be a factor...

This is a new problem. I have put aprox 70,000 miles on it. I am used to the usual noises the drive train makes, eg in tight turns on dry pavement and the thumping noise in 4x4 auto when the rear tires are slipping.
This clunking is VERY LOUD and seems that the front wheels are loosing traction when it is clunking. it isn't the driveshafts because under normal driving conditions it is quiet. the CV joints seem tight. The only place I can find any play when on the rack is in the Transfer Case.
I read somewhere that someone had the same problem as me and it ended up being the transfer case making the noise.

New problem with the new transfer case. Supposedly came out of a 2005 same numbers except the old one had a "C" at the end and the new one has a "A" at the end. Problem is that 4X4 low lock wont engage. 4X4 high and 4x4 automatic works fine.

Any suggestions?
