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2005 explorer no start but cranks


January 27, 2011
Reaction score
City, State
miami fl
Year, Model & Trim Level
ford ranger xl 97
i just need help guys, is there a way to tell if the fuel pump module for a 2005 explorer xlt 4.0 sohc v6 is bad? i replaced the inertia switch, the fuel filter, the gas cap and the fuel pump.. just need help please.. also the messages on the dash says low oil pressure, low tire pressure, check advtrac, i have those messages before and starts intermittently, im just trying to eliminate the common issues, just need some help thank you!

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Measuring fuel pressure on the fuel rail should tell you what you need to know.

this one dont have a shraeder valve on the fuel rail..

How much gas is in the tank? Is it parked on a level surface? Saw someone with this problem once and he just pushed his car out to the street where it was level and it started right up. Not recommended though, unless you have some friends that would like to help you push it back up!

it has 3 quarter of a gas right now, twice when it got towed, when it was in the driveway it started like nothing happened, now it wont start anymore i just got the battery check and charge at advance auto parts close to my house, what are the chances it might be the computer?

Not sure about that, do you hear the pump prime when you turn the key to run, but not start?

yes i hear it run, the only thing i dont understand is when i spray starting fluid it starts, could there be any chance a big blockage of dirt is clogging up the fuel line before the fuel filter? the thing is it doesnt have a shraeder valve to check fuel pressure, i hope someone could chime in and give me something to check

found the problem,it was the crank position sensor, as soon as i removed it break into pieces, a new one and the truck start up, thanks for all the help highly appreciated!!

Wow, you know, I read that online that could be a cause, but I didn't mention it because of the starter fluid deal....shoot, sorry. Owell, glad you got it fixed, I learned my lesson. X.X
