2006 Expl. 4WD transmission won't shift | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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2006 Expl. 4WD transmission won't shift


New Member
December 3, 2007
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2006 xlt
I have a 2006 Explorer 4WD, automatic, with 75,000km. The transmission sometimes will not shift out of PARK...it seems that this happens when it is cold. Does anyone have an idea of what this could be?


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BrooklynBay - Thanks for your help. Would this type of problem be covered under the "drivetrain" warranty? Yes, stepping on the brake pedal does not seem to affect the problem. The problem seems to be intermittant, but sometimes worse than others....sometimes takes 2 minutes for the "detent button" on the auto-shift lever to allow me to "press" it in to move the shift lever.

Dealer says drivetrain warrantee is only 3yr/60,000km so not covered in any case. he also says there is a "bulletin" about a problem with the shift button, but that's all. Sounds like an expensive fix!

Nuts! Dealer told me that the TSB# is 07-12-9. Tested it per that TSB, couldn't find problem...says recommended solution is to replace the entire Transmission selector lever for $695 parts + labor! There has to be a better way! Couldn't find the TSB in the web searchs.
