2006 Mercury mountaineer 4.0 no start | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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2006 Mercury mountaineer 4.0 no start


Well-Known Member
December 31, 2006
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2018 Explorer XLT
My 2006 is dead. All lights and horn working, when I turn key I get a little click. The red battery light comes on, and says check charging system. I was thinking battery, but why won't a jump get it started? Battery is showing almost 12 volts on meter. When key is turned, it drops to 11.5. Thoughts? I'm just leary picking up a battery z since a jump won't get it started.

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My experience is that it is difficult to jump start an explorer; I'm not sure what it is, but it seems not to get enough current.

If your battery is at an age that is iffy I would try a new one first

My experience is that it is difficult to jump start an explorer; I'm not sure what it is, but it seems not to get enough current.

If your battery is at an age that is iffy I would try a new one first
Well it's the starter. I see the wire that goes from the solenoid to
the starter is rotted, and gone.

Any tips to get the starter out? Looks fairly straightforward.

Replaced it yesterday. Not too bad. Thank God though for my impact wrench for the top bolt. That sucker was frozen. Was able to get my compact Makita in there.
