2007 mountaineer AWD Problems, questions? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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2007 mountaineer AWD Problems, questions?


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January 28, 2020
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07 mountaineer V8 AWD
Hey guys New to the forum just recently picked a 2007 mounty v8 AWD and have a question. It's been making a lot of noises, grinding, humming, everything, po said a wheel bearing was out. So I get it up, four wheels off the ground and drive it everything justs jerks and locks up, then unlocks so disconnect front drive shaft. Try to drive it again does same thing, like the brakes are locking it up or idk. Can you run these AWD vehicles up in the air like that to check for problems, tried it with awd on auto and locked it, traction control on and off. Front driveshaft connected and disconnected. Any help with be appreciated, haven't found anything searching, thank you

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I found that if you pull the #6 abs fuse, you can run the vehicle with all 4 wheels off the ground

The AWD system is very sensitive to all four tires having the same circumference. Check to see if the tires have the same amount of wear. If one or more are much newer or older then this might be the problem. If there is a difference the computer sees this as a loss of traction and keeps trying to make adjustments to stop the nonexistent slipping. This can wear out the transfer case if not corrected. It only takes a fraction of an inch difference in circumference to cause a problem.

With it up in the air the wheels are turning at different speeds which causes all sorts of issues with it trying to correct traction and brakes.

I tried the same thing but it didn't like it, the traction control was active and it freaked out.
Pull the ABS fuse as suggested or relay
