2008 Explorer Drivers Seat Options | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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2008 Explorer Drivers Seat Options


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December 11, 2014
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Year, Model & Trim Level
2008 Ford Explorer XLT
Hello all

I was wondering if anyone knows what seats interchange with the 2008 Explorer XLT?

I have a 10 way electric seat but the lumbar broke and I need to get a new seat. the dealer wants like $500 to fix the electric lumbar.

Will any 4th gen seat fit? Are there other ford models that also fit (i.e. F150, Edge, etc)? I would like to expand my options while searching at salvage yards.

Could I put a manual instead of electric seat in with little install problems if I find one at the junkyard?

thanks for anyone help

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Hello all

I was wondering if anyone knows what seats interchange with the 2008 Explorer XLT?

I have a 10 way electric seat but the lumbar broke and I need to get a new seat. the dealer wants like $500 to fix the electric lumbar.

Will any 4th gen seat fit? Are there other ford models that also fit (i.e. F150, Edge, etc)? I would like to expand my options while searching at salvage yards.

Could I put a manual instead of electric seat in with little install problems if I find one at the junkyard?

thanks for anyone help

I'd check with a local upholstery shop re: a repair. They could be way cheaper than the dealer and save you a lot of headaches on swapping out seats.

Thanks Boomyal. Just found a guy local that does this all the time. $75-100

$75 to $100, can't beat that.

I'll just add my 2 cents anyway. I'd doubt anything other than a 06-10 Explorer seat would fit, let alone look correct. But the root of your issue is the lumbar, which I believe is a micro air pump that inflates & deflates a small bladder/bag of sorts. If replacing those parts only, I'd speculate a handful of Fords in this era would have interchangeable parts, most likely replacements would be plentiful.

If you could snap a picture of his repair work that would be great.
