2008 Mercury Mountaineer rear wiper | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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2008 Mercury Mountaineer rear wiper

Alan Lloys

October 12, 2010
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2008 Mountaineer V8
This should be a simple thing, but I am having a hard time finding a replacement wiper for the rear.
First of it is the 13" kind - most stores only have down to 16" blades.
So I went to NAPA and got one - however I could not put it on.
Since the rear wiper arm only lifts a few inches off the glass, you need a large area on the wiper blade for the arm to go through. The existing blade has this, but the new one from NAPA would not fit. If I got it on the arm, it would be 180 degrees turned and there was not enough room to flip the wiper blade around. By 180 degree turned I mean that the wiping rubber was facing away from the window.

I am sure I can get the right kind at the dealer for an high price, but what are you all doing ?
I am also wondering if anyone have experience with a winter blade or one of the new beam type blades ?
The snow collects in the blade mechanism and freezes it so the blade only clears out a stripe on the window.

All input is appreciated.

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After trying several aftermarket rear blades, and not being happy with them because they wouldn't make good contact, I finally broke down and just bought it from the dealer, and I'm very happy with it. The Motorcraft rear wiper makes good contact.

Alan- since I did not have my 2003 long enough to replace a wiper blade, I can't really comment on the replacement procedure.

I will add that I have a beam blade on my 2000, and before I bent the wiper arm, it was making full contact and worked great, and anyone that knows 2nd gen Explorers knows that the '98+ rear wipers rarely make contact. I'd definitely reccommend one.

I am running a larger blade on mine, and it's fine. If you want smaller though, check eBay- I found this auction, and the connector would probably work great by how yours attaches:


After trying several aftermarket rear blades, and not being happy with them for several reasons, I finally broke down and just bought it from the dealer, and I'm very happy with it.

Same here. I've tried many aftermarket wiper blades over the years and they never work as well as the OEM ones. They actually only cost a couple dollars more and the biggest hassle is having to drive to the dealer to get them.

Alan- since I did not have my 2003 long enough to replace a wiper blade, I can't really comment on the replacement procedure.

I will add that I have a beam blade on my 2000, and before I bent the wiper arm, it was making full contact and worked great, and anyone that knows 2nd gen Explorers knows that the '98+ rear wipers rarely make contact. I'd definitely reccommend one.

I am running a larger blade on mine, and it's fine. If you want smaller though, check eBay- I found this auction, and the connector would probably work great by how yours attaches:


That does look about right for a rear wiper.
I may just try one of these and see how it works out.
I love the bracket less blades on the front. Did not like the Rain-X that were on when I bought it, but I got some cheaper ones from Menards and they are great. Especially with the snow here.

I forget which brand of replacement blade I put on the rear of my '06 but I ran into the same problem you describe. It was an exact fit type but i had to unclip the plastic parts from the blade, put it in place then snap everything back together.

Motorcraft wipers are only $9.95.

I'm interested to try the one piece in heavy snow or a long roadtrip as I always got sick of getting out to clean the ice off the rear open blade.

I ordered one of these and just got it today.
It works very well, but is actually a hair smaller than the one I took off.

Based on the wiped area I think you can easily go with a 14" or possibly 15".
As measured a 16" will be very close to going over the top edge of the glass.
I changed my front wipers to the Peak Optix wipers which are also the beam type. They are working very good, but only go down to 16".
I may just purchase one and see if it will go on since it is using a similar locking mechanism. If it does not go on I can return it since they have them locally in the stores.

I just tested this one in the garage and it did sweep the whole area, but I have no experience yet on how it works in real world settings.
