2009(?) SVT Adrenaline: EX and Sport Track?? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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2009(?) SVT Adrenaline: EX and Sport Track??


October 13, 2004
Reaction score
City, State
Plymouth, MI
Year, Model & Trim Level
'98 Mountaineer
I searched and didn't find anything else about this, so I thought I'd post this little tidbit here (actually, I searched via Yahoo and didn't find anything about the Adrenaline besides some alleged spy shots from a while back)...

I haven't been keeping up on the status of whether a true SVT Adrenaline is supposed to make it to production, but end of last week I saw an Explorer and Sport Trac caravan around Michigan Ave. and I-275 pulling into a turnaround.
The interesting thing is that these trucks, Explorer and Sport Track seemed to have a noticeably lower-than-usual ride height, they sported plasticy lower moldings (air dam, side skirts, etc.) and all had flashy/sporty looking wheels.
They didn't have any camo on them, so I'm guessing that either (a) I'm just way out of the loop and this info has been around for a while, or (b) they're close to production for these models.

Of course, I didn't have a camera handy and I don't have any more conrete info...so I'll get myself on this one:

Regardless, does anyone have any more info on the SVT Adrenaline?

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I thought the Sport Trac adrenalin was canned along with the now defunct SVT. Who knows I could be wrong.

Perhaps "SVT" will not actually show its face, but this crowd of trucks definitely had a sports-truck oriented apperance. (And wheels were the same on EX and Sport Trac)

Ya mean one of these? In our parking lot everyday... :D


From what I understand, the official SVT name is no more but the team still exsists. They are the ones that did th GT500, the upcoming KR and the new Super Snake (with Shelby of course.)

The Adrenaline was in my area a couple years back at the new car convention, one of the guys I worked with was up there and took a few pics of it, truly a bada$$ truck that would have given the SRT-10 a run for its money. I think it was an awesome idea for a vehicle just bad timing.

On a side note: for those that were around in the 60's; Bob Tasca and Shelby are teaming up again and the Tasca shop will be one of the first official shops to modify the current and up-coming Shelbys. Can we say 1,000 hp Super Snake?

I thought the Sport Trac adrenalin was canned along with the now defunct SVT. Who knows I could be wrong.

SVT did disband for awhile but they have announced they are working on a new car (obviously not the Shelby GT500) and a new truck for 08-10 i cant remember what year they said.

Supposedly the new SVT truck will be on the market soon but it won't be a "Lightning" apparently that name is over with. Which leads me to believe it won't be a F-150. My guess would be a Ranger since the Adrenaline is going to actually be a Sport Trac package.

I believe that SVT doesn't have the SVT specific engineers like they used to, they have been spread out or up till the latest information I have heard. Like I said before it may have been changed again.

Ya mean one of these? In our parking lot everyday... :D

Not quite...
This one:

as posted above.

I didn't see any mention of it in the Press Release or anything, but mark my words that there will be an Explorer version as well - at least the group I saw had Explorers and Sport Tracs with the same front fascia and wheels.

saw the truck in person... too bad i hate the vw grille.
