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2011 "herky jerky" ghost shifting, 117k miles


April 11, 2009
Reaction score
Year, Model & Trim Level
2011 XLT and 2002 XLT
Our 2011 recently began experiencing "herky jerky" ghost shifting first at highway speeds during acceleration and eventually during around town driving. The car (117k miles on odometer) will do a subtle quick shift/downshift as if it's trying to pick a gear. No engine light or codes and ford techs have had it for days, finally concluding they need to give it to their transmission expert for a tear down (cue ominous Darth Vader entrance music). I'm guessing big money. Anyone else experience this, thoughts in what to expect?


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Is it actually shifting gears at highway speed or just the TC locking/unlocking?

You could try a fluid flush. If that doesn't change things, you may have an internal leak/pressure issue. A transgo or sonnax shift kit may help if you have valve body wear/pressure losses.

Is it actually shifting gears at highway speed or just the TC locking/unlocking?

You could try a fluid flush. If that doesn't change things, you may have an internal leak/pressure issue. A transgo or sonnax shift kit may help if you have valve body wear/pressure losses.

thanks for the info! feels more like a lock/unlock. The car will jerk quickly, like it's trying to pick a gear, we have also sensed loss of power. Once the episode passes, the car works normally, shifts normally.

Have spark plugs ever been changed?

My wife’s CX9 was getting a relatively harsh jerk feel at highway speeds under acceleration. It was mostly noticed during uphill sections under acceleration just before the torque converter unlocked(low rpm, high load).

We thought it was the transmission/torque converter at first. Seemed to only happen in 6th gear, but after some trials, I was able to replicate it in multiple gears. Internet searching hinted at spark plugs or coils. No check engine light.

I got a Bluetooth OBD2 reader and plugged it in. No codes(hard or pending), but I was able to read sensors real time. Found that there were misfires detected in a few cylinders and it would increment each time I got the jerky feeling. Luckily it was the front cylinders. Plugs had about 50k miles on them, but I figured I should change them just to see. 3 new plugs and it hasn’t happened since(about 2 months now).

So, while it may feel like a transmission issue, it could be a misfire that’s not setting off the engine light.

Not sure if this would result in the same sort on issue but has the throttle body ever been cleaned?


Have spark plugs ever been changed?...
Ooooh, thanks for the insight!

I've seen a few misfire notes on my OBD2 as well. With similar "jerky" actions. Time for plugs, it looks like!

Ooooh, thanks for the insight!

I've seen a few misfire notes on my OBD2 as well. With similar "jerky" actions. Time for plugs, it looks like!
I'm a bit confused. You knew you had codes for misfires, but a random online forum post about checking plugs because of a jerky transmission is the insight you were looking for to go ahead and check/change your plugs... :)

I'm a bit confused. You knew you had codes for misfires, but a random online forum post about checking plugs because of a jerky transmission is the insight you were looking for to go ahead and check/change your plugs... :)
Nope. Didn't have full blown codes, just minor notes in the readings you get when you run the codes through the Torque app.

I know its time to change plugs (120k miles, 50k with us), and I feel a little "jerky" from the car from time to time when driving. Helps to "toss out" that the trans is likely not the problem, but that a plug change should/might smooth out the "jerk."

Nope. Didn't have full blown codes, just minor notes in the readings you get when you run the codes through the Torque app.

I know its time to change plugs (120k miles, 50k with us), and I feel a little "jerky" from the car from time to time when driving. Helps to "toss out" that the trans is likely not the problem, but that a plug change should/might smooth out the "jerk."

Same with my wife's CX9(using Torque app)
No codes, but the real time update showed a few misfires. I figured a few misfires isn't unusual, but after driving and creating the jerky feeling, those misfire counts went up. Plugs are cheap and my misfires were on the front cylinders so I figured I'd toss new ones in and see what happens.

Our 2011 recently began experiencing "herky jerky" ghost shifting first at highway speeds during acceleration and eventually during around town driving. The car (117k miles on odometer) will do a subtle quick shift/downshift as if it's trying to pick a gear. No engine light or codes and ford techs have had it for days, finally concluding they need to give it to their transmission expert for a tear down (cue ominous Darth Vader entrance music). I'm guessing big money. Anyone else experience this, thoughts in what to expect?

Was this ever fixed/resolved? My 2011 is doing the same thing. It’s definitely the transmission trying to decide between 6th and 5th gear very unsmoothly. I know this because if I shift it manually, it doesn’t happen.

Was this ever fixed/resolved? My 2011 is doing the same thing. It’s definitely the transmission trying to decide between 6th and 5th gear very unsmoothly. I know this because if I shift it manually, it doesn’t happen.
FYI, the member you quoted was last seen here May 3, 2018.


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