2012 Explorer XLT - Fuel Distance to Empty Computer Gauge Inaccurate | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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2012 Explorer XLT - Fuel Distance to Empty Computer Gauge Inaccurate


July 3, 2017
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CT <> SC
Year, Model & Trim Level
'12 Explorer XLT 4WD
Greetings: Have a 2012 EXPLR with 40K on the clock. Everything regarding the truck appears to be fine. However, each time I fill up the tank, the Distance to Empty computer gauge shows fewer miles. It used to be mid 300's and is now low 200's. The average mpg is commensurate with miles prior to this issue. While I have not run down the tank due to the cold, I am confused as to what is going on. No warning lights on. Any ideas? Thanks in advance.

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Reset it and see how it does. Mine is rarely close to accurate, based on actual calculations of fuel used vs mileage. Sometimes it's off by a few miles, and sometimes it's significant.

Remember with the colder temps, fuel mileage is going to drop. I dropped from 24 MPG to 21 with the bitter cold as of late.

There is a DTE MPG value that is stored in the computer. It's based on how well your mpg has been lately. So if you drive all highway and then fill up your DTE will be high 300s. If you have been doing a lot of city or driving in really code weather it will probably show mid to high 200s

Remember with the colder temps, fuel mileage is going to drop. I dropped from 24 MPG to 21 with the bitter cold as of late.
There is a DTE MPG value that is stored in the computer. It's based on how well your mpg has been lately. So if you drive all highway and then fill up your DTE will be high 300s. If you have been doing a lot of city or driving in really code weather it will probably show mid to high 200s
The OP mentioned that his instant MPG is the same as prior to this issue. If that is the case, his DTE should be virtually the same, should it not?


Thank you all for your feedback and suggestions. It is worth me trying everything again as we had a week or two of extreme cold weather. Can the DTE be reset apart from the manual way on the steering wheel? I am just at a loss. And 750 for a new fuel filter system in the tank is not where i really wish to go at this time. Again, thank you all! I will report back as I need to fillup today and it is oddly in the 50's

Thank you all for your feedback and suggestions. It is worth me trying everything again as we had a week or two of extreme cold weather. Can the DTE be reset apart from the manual way on the steering wheel?
Since DTE is calculated on your previous average mileage figure and that can only be reset by the steering wheel control I doubt there is another way of doing it.


DTE uses it's own MPG average and it cannot be reset. This value can be seen using the IC engineering mode. Hold down the right OK button on the steering wheel (RH side) when turning the vehicle on (speedometer needle will sweep when entering this mode). You can go through the menu pages by selecting up or down on the RH side d pad of the steering wheel.

There is also a 2nd DTE MPG value for trailer towing.

Just a quick update that when my MPG when up by 1.5 gallons (after letting the tank run down) the fill up DTE went up about 45 miles to higher 200's. Not really sure how this is all converted but would imply that " SHELTONFILMS" 'There is a DTE MPG value that is stored in the computer. It's based on how well your mpg has been lately. So if you drive all highway and then fill up your DTE will be high 300s. If you have been doing a lot of city or driving in really code weather it will probably show mid to high 200s' may hold some truths.

though still not near where DTE used to be in the mid 300's

So I havent done anything different. My mpg increased again ever so slightly to 18mpg. Weather has been 20's-30's. At fill up yesterday, DTE registered 310 miles. So DTE is increasing each run. Really odd to me...

It’s just guessing, because it has no idea what your future drive would be. I assume it is conservative on it’s estimates.

I have been seeing the same thing on my 2012 Explorer Limited. I have gone back to using 88 Octane and the MPG was up to 20.9 but the distance to empty has been going down. My last fill-up said I can go 343 miles but as soon as mid last month I was at 387 miles.

I have been seeing the same thing on my 2012 Explorer Limited. I have gone back to using 88 Octane and the MPG was up to 20.9 but the distance to empty has been going down. My last fill-up said I can go 343 miles but as soon as mid last month I was at 387 miles.
I don't know what the temps have been in your area but that usually happens when the weather gets colder and suppliers switch to 'Winter' blends.

