2013 Navigation Issue | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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2013 Navigation Issue


Active Member
April 3, 2011
Reaction score
Year, Model & Trim Level
2013 Ruby Red Sport
My navigation has a problem.... When giving turn by turn directions or even just looking at the screen for guidance it seems my navigation is about 3-5 seconds behind when looking at the map's position of where I am relative to actual position. Has anyone else noticed this? Sometimes even when turning onto a street, it will take the map 10-20 seconds to catch up and show me on the street...

My navigation has a problem.... When giving turn by turn directions or even just looking at the screen for guidance it seems my navigation is about 3-5 seconds behind when looking at the map's position of where I am relative to actual position. Has anyone else noticed this? Sometimes even when turning onto a street, it will take the map 10-20 seconds to catch up and show me on the street...
Mine to. You kinda have to take the lead with the navigation. I've also found when Driving on the Bronx River Parkway, the navigation system shows the exit sign as "Bronks" ....... Seems like someone is off their game here as well!

My navigation system shows traffic info in KM/H. Haven't figured that one out yet. Guess I should submit it to Ford, but I'm lazy.

