2015 Explorer with black grille | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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2015 Explorer with black grille


Active Member
September 18, 2014
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City, State
Sarasota FL
Year, Model & Trim Level
2015 Explorer XLT
My first post, so hey everyone. I have been lingering for a few weeks now and decided I need to leave a footprint.

I just took delivery of my 2015 Explorer XLT.


I decided I wanted to swap out the grille for the black one, and ordered it for $632 delivered.

It took me about a half hour to remove the stock grille, simply because of the 4 screws that connected it to the bumper. I was cautious not to break any of the clips.

Here it is not fully fastened in.


I stopped short of fully installing it, simply because I didn't like the way it looked. The original grille has dimples in it. This one is smooth and glossy.

Too blingy, and not the look I envisioned. Here is another view.


So I pulled it and its getting returned. I put it back to its original state.


So, that's for anyone with the metallic Explorer who might be interested in the black grille.

I pass. Its not for my liking.

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I think the black grill looks good on your truck. Mine too came with the bland old gray grill (base explorer) and I hated it. I took it off and took it to a body shop and for $75 had it painted gloss black. I think it did my truck wonders. Gives it a mean look.


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I think the black grill looks good on your truck. Mine too came with the bland old gray grill (base explorer) and I hated it. I took it off and took it to a body shop and for $75 had it painted gloss black. I think it did my truck wonders. Gives it a mean look.
I definitely like the grille with the divets better, and it looks really good on yours. I probably would have went with flat black myself though.

My issue is that I didn't get the Sport package, so I don't have ANY black trim on mine, except for the tops of the door mirrors. It just didn't compliment my gray. After listening to my wife say that all of the colors on my Explorer compliment one another, I just HAD to try the black grille. Now I am forced to say she was right. (I know, GASP)

I was going to have my wheels black chromed too, but now, I have decided to leave it all as is. I really like it how it looks now.

With that said, if there was ANY remorse to buying my Explorer, it was choosing which color to buy. I liked them ALL. I have NEVER liked a white vehicle, but I think I am secretly in love with the white Explorer lol

I am coming from owning a blacked out Subaru Outback for the past 8 years.

My 2006 Outback that I just sold


I'm not a big fan of the smooth grille myself. I took my xlt to a very good local body shop and had the stock grille, door handles, and back trim piece painted to match the body color for a fair amount less than you paid for the new grille, and they removed and reassembled. You may want to check with your local body shop. I love the look of ours now, especially when I see a stock one.

I am a fan of chrome! But growing up in the 50's and 60's it was the thing to have. I'm finally glad that it's making a resurgence, and I want all the chrome I can get on my vehicles!
