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2020 Explorer PIU


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Elite Explorer
February 25, 2011
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2020 Explorer ST
Here is the redesign with standard AWD and hybrid system offered.


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If this is going to be the redesigned Explorer"s body. Then i will say Good bye to the 2020EX. It looks the same as 2016,17,18,19, so bye bye Explorer

I had posted a while ago that it was not changing much.. it was going to be more evolutionary then revolutionary. Just a newer version of what we have but on the new platform.

If this is going to be the redesigned Explorer"s body. Then i will say Good bye to the 2020EX. It looks the same as 2016,17,18,19, so bye bye Explorer
From that side view you can see that unlike the previous years, the roof runs in a bit of a downward slope while the side body runs in an upward slope toward the rear. I believe from looking at the 'clocked' picture that there is also some change to the back end. If you're still contemplating the Velar, keep in mind that Land Rover hasn't exactly had a stellar reputation for reliability.


New platform with stronger and more efficient engine would be a big plus, 10 speed engine lol. Maybe they will finally put the dreaded water pump in a more accessible place in the engine bay to satisfy the long term buyers. I like the Land Rover square type of look on explorer and I don't want to see major body changes, especially to more round or oval designs that some companies make. I think that as of now, explorer exterior looks 90 percent better then all other SUV's on the road. The interior is so outdated, they should make instrumental cluster more dynamic and the screen bigger. They should make the front seats with a knee extender. Make the sunroof bigger like in the Edge. Add heads up display on front windshield. Add some other latest technology that other car manufacturers offer.

From that side view you can see that unlike the previous years, the roof runs in a bit of a downward slope while the side body runs in an upward slope toward the rear. I believe from looking at the 'clocked' picture that there is also some change to the back end. If you're still contemplating the Velar, keep in mind that Land Rover hasn't exactly had a stellar reputation for reliability.

Well ford owned it at one time and that's when the reputation was bad. Since TATA motors bought is its been better even though they are still using Fords engines until i believe 2021. I'm also contemplating Lincoln Line. Let's see what happen late 2019...

New platform with stronger and more efficient engine would be a big plus, 10 speed engine lol. Maybe they will finally put the dreaded water pump in a more accessible place in the engine bay to satisfy the long term buyers. I like the Land Rover square type of look on explorer and I don't want to see major body changes, especially to more round or oval designs that some companies make. I think that as of now, explorer exterior looks 90 percent better then all other SUV's on the road. The interior is so outdated, they should make instrumental cluster more dynamic and the screen bigger. They should make the front seats with a knee extender. Make the sunroof bigger like in the Edge. Add heads up display on front windshield. Add some other latest technology that other car manufacturers offer.
They will change the interior, but they won't throw all the apples in the first year of a redesign .

........Maybe they will finally put the dreaded water pump in a more accessible place....
Let's hope they do the same with the cabin fuse panel. :)


New platform with stronger and more efficient engine would be a big plus, 10 speed engine lol. Maybe they will finally put the dreaded water pump in a more accessible place in the engine bay to satisfy the long term buyers. I like the Land Rover square type of look on explorer and I don't want to see major body changes, especially to more round or oval designs that some companies make. I think that as of now, explorer exterior looks 90 percent better then all other SUV's on the road. The interior is so outdated, they should make instrumental cluster more dynamic and the screen bigger. They should make the front seats with a knee extender. Make the sunroof bigger like in the Edge. Add heads up display on front windshield. Add some other latest technology that other car manufacturers offer.

Again, the water pump was internal on the 3.5 because it was a FWD based vehicle with a Transverse mounted engine. The water pump would not fit externally on the Explorer which is the only reason it was internal. This is RWD and RWD vehicles do not have a transverse motor therefore the water pump will be external.

Technologically... now this is the Ford I like seeing coming out to play.

Are they still going to build a 100% gasoline PIU, or are they all hybrids going forward?

Notice, no PI Sedan. I wonder when that will officially die.

This causes that the MY2019 will be a short sale year and a bad sale year.
Yes, that is very likely. It has been mentioned here several times that the 2019 will probably be a short model year.


^^ nothing new in that article.

That press photo though... the front angle shot? Holy goodness, that looks good. If that's what the 2020 will look like, well done FMC.

It doesn't look much like the Aviator. I was expecting it to be the same, more or less, but this looks like there are a lot of differences in the sheet metal.

with the way this photo is done it's enough "fog" and "light blur" to really soften the exterior for the new release but give one an idea of the upcoming vehicle.

More photos will come later and will be clearer idea of the evolution of our loved Explorers and PUIs.

like to see them update the dash my more digital displays......speedometer, fuel......even if it is only on the limited & up

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That press photo though... the front angle shot? Holy goodness, that looks good. If that's what the 2020 will look like, well done FMC.

It doesn't look much like the Aviator. I was expecting it to be the same, more or less, but this looks like there are a lot of differences in the sheet metal.

They said that the rising beltline, combined with the tapering roofline, makes for a Range Rover–esque look.
