2021 explorer keyless entry fob not working for liftgate | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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2021 explorer keyless entry fob not working for liftgate


January 8, 2019
Reaction score
City, State
Los Angeles, CA
Year, Model & Trim Level
2021 Explorer ST
2021 ford explorer st. my keyless key fobs (both) work to unlock the 4 doors and start the car but the keyless fobs do not work to allow me to unlock the liftgate. (unless i press the unlock button on the keyfob)
if the fob is in my pocket or even closer, pressing the manual unlock at the liftgate will not work. also, goes without saying the foot activation doesn't work either.
i have also checked the sensor connectors underneath the fascia next to passenger side exhausts and they are connected well. when i wave my hand near the foot activation sensor i hear the actuators so i do not think its a foot activation sensor problem but rather that the keyless fob is not communication properly with the rear liftgate. i've also checked the fuses for these and they are intact / not blown. i've taken them out and reinserted. (#41 in engine and #8 in passenger fuse box)
i've also done a factory reset in sync, to no avail. running latest sync version i believe: SYNC3 v3.4.21098
sunrise ford north hollywood says id have to leave the car for minimum 2 days to diagnose, which i'd really rather not have to do if i dont have to.
any help would be greatly appreciated.


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The only time I noticed my liftgate not working at all was when I had set Valet mode on. Hopefully it gets fixed soon and please update when it does!

thx. valet mode is not on. to clarify, the liftgate does open/close when pressing interior button. and it also works on the exterior button on the liftgate but only after i press unlock button on the fob

Have you tried opening it from the button on the dash? If it doesn't open using that button, see if the same procedure will with when you used the fob. Press the dash button and then the manual release on the 'gate'. BTW, using the manual button on the 'gate' should open it whether the fob is nearby or not as long as the vehicle isn't locked.


Have you tried opening it from the button on the dash? If it doesn't open using that button, see if the same procedure will with when you used the fob. Press the dash button and then the manual release on the 'gate'. BTW, using the manual button on the 'gate' should open it whether the fob is nearby or not as long as the vehicle isn't locked.

The dash button works and the manual button on lift gate works as long as car is unlocked. Double press lift gate on fob works too.
Thank you
It's just the keyless / button less entry / foot waive at issue.

I've found that when walking up to car. You have to stand there for a second. Then start the hokie pokie, put your foot dead center then swipe left or right.
If this method doesn't work. You've got a bad sensor under the car. Which could be related to the recall.

Have you messed with the lock button on the tailgate to see if it affects operation.
Edit; just thought about this. Bring as this is still a newer vehicle. Have you checked or even changed your fob batteries. Could be as simple as signal loss.

I've found that when walking up to car. You have to stand there for a second. Then start the hokie pokie, put your foot dead center then swipe left or right.
If this method doesn't work. You've got a bad sensor under the car. Which could be related to the recall.

Have you messed with the lock button on the tailgate to see if it affects operation.
Edit; just thought about this. Bring as this is still a newer vehicle. Have you checked or even changed your fob batteries. Could be as simple as signal loss.
yes it turned out that there was either a bad sensor or bad controller for the snesor, they replaced that and it works now.

I've found that when walking up to car. You have to stand there for a second. Then start the hokie pokie, put your foot dead center then swipe left or right.
A single kick in and out is what is required. Here is what NOT to do. Note #3.


Mine works 99% of the time with a single kick.


yes it turned out that there was either a bad sensor or bad controller for the snesor, they replaced that and it works now.
How long was your Explorer at the dealership for the fix? My service dealership claims that it will take ten to fifteen days before they can even get to it. I suspect the service advisor has no clue what he’s talking about. I’ll have to contact the dealership I bought it from.

On my 3rd explorer in a row, i've found Ford service dealerships to be really, really bad. "you're in charge before you buy, they're in charge after you buy". It should never be an excuse that they are "busy". then management should hire additional staff.
That said, the car was in the shop 3 days this time around.

My dealership is excellent from top to bottom. :thumbsup:


On my 3rd explorer in a row, i've found Ford service dealerships to be really, really bad. "you're in charge before you buy, they're in charge after you buy". It should never be an excuse that they are "busy". then management should hire additional staff.
That said, the car was in the shop 3 days this time around.
Thanks. Hopefully my selling dealership will be better than my service dealership.
