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Active Member
March 25, 2001
City, State
Seattle, WA
Year, Model & Trim Level
'93 XLT
just got my 20's put on last week on my 93 x and all i gotta say is that its really sweet lookn'. I'll try and get somw pics posted because i've done a lot of add ons to my x.

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nice, cant wait for pics :)

I got the KMC clockers. Im runnin on 265-50-20. They had to barely trim my front plasic in my wheel wells. I have a 2" drop all the way around so thats why. I'm soon gunna drop a 5.0 in supercharged and will prob have to lift the front more because of engine weight though. Maybe air bags and a body drop though.

thats cool. sounds like you have a lot of plans. but if you bag it, be ready for a rough ride. my friend has airbags on his s10. it looks cool, but is real uncomfortable.

My S-10 is bagged , and rides like a dream . Maybe he needs to upgrade his shocks , or drive w/ more air in the bags ?

that could be the case. his is the only bagged truck i rode in, so i just assumed...

of course yours looks like you put a lot more money into it (it's the blue one, right?). he didn't have tons of $$$ to put into his truck, so he probably did it as cheap as possible. it still looks nice, but no where near yours.

So how about givin us a picture of these 20's/ I am very interested in how it looks. Sounds like you have got great plans, good luck with them.


this is what i've done so far on my x: 20's, clear lenses all the way around, 2" drop front/rear, billet grill, green revese lights, blue turnsignals and head lights, five% window tint, and a thumping system, i wana do pics but i dont have a digital camera or a scanner.

Joker, how did you drop the front? I-Beams or Coils?

coils, i-beams are too much money
coils: $130
i-beams: $500+
i decided to scratch the bags and work on the 5.0 drop.

I would love to see some pics of a hooked up early model Explorer.

I totally agree with you joker, I-Beams are expensive. Seem the most expensive front drop item than any other brand of makes. Let me guess you got the Eibach coils? I had the Suspension Techniques(bought out from Bell Tech) 3/4 drop coil when I used to have my '92. It ride like crap, I also had the Monroe Sensortrack shocks too. I think the shock were too stiff for the coils. Let us know with the 5.0 thing goes. I heard you have to shoehorn that in.

my friend got a digital camera the other day so i'm going to try and get some pics up later today.

yes i have the eibach springs and it rides like crap now, i'm going to get new shocks for it, and if that doesnt help, i'm seriously going to consider talking the springs out, becasue its beating the crap out of my suspension.

no money left fpor a camera with all that money spent on your X...hehe..you got the bug man....

what can i say i'd rather spend mt money on my x then i stuff that i dont really need

Bling bling :rolleyes:
