300K Mercedes Benz SUV recall | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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300K Mercedes Benz SUV recall


Elite Explorer
March 23, 2021
Reaction score
City, State
Eau Claire WI
Year, Model & Trim Level
1998 Explorer XLT4x4 SOHC

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dang!!! one of my worst fears- not bein able to stop!!! second only to dodges :p :p :p

dang!!! one of my worst fears- not bein able to stop!!! second only to dodges :p :p :p
As in "If you can't Dodge it, Ram it?" Odd coincidence, just today I noticed my Ex brake pedal seems to alternate between harder and normal. Complete brake job 14 months ago when I bought it. Going to keep an eye on it. Only put about 1200 miles on it in that time.

As in "If you can't Dodge it, Ram it?" Odd coincidence, just today I noticed my Ex brake pedal seems to alternate between harder and normal. Complete brake job 14 months ago when I bought it. Going to keep an eye on it. Only put about 1200 miles on it in that time.
yep! any newer dodge.. or new chryslers... gee! those things are nuh uh from me... is it brake fadev does it change as it gets warmer? or fluid expansion? not sure how fade feels, always ran them towing pads on mine

yep! any newer dodge.. or new chryslers... gee! those things are nuh uh from me... is it brake fadev does it change as it gets warmer? or fluid expansion? not sure how fade feels, always ran them towing pads on mine
The opposite, it's normally like the brakes are a little worn but still good, now intermittently the pedal gets a little harder. To complicate matters, it's gone from a cold spring to instant hot summer, just since the last time I drove. Early days as I just noticed it on a very short drive.
